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We've been walking for what seems like ages. If we took the metro, we would've been in the city in less than an hour. But on foot, it's hours away. After taking a short break at a remote servo, we begin moving again, keeping a close watch of our surroundings at the same time.

"Wonder where all the other students are?" Bray asks, murdering the last of his servo sanger.

"Deceased," Jace answers rather unsympathetically. "Or crossing the border right about now, orrr in the city, who knows really? Guess we shall find out."

"Hope our families are safe crossing the border even though they left us..." Carmen murmurs.

"I don't think they had a choice," Bray points out to her. "Dean said they were forced-evacuating everyone. Speaking of which, why haven't they nuked this place yet?"

Meanwhile, Ella and I are chatting a few metres behind them.

"Had a weird dream," I tell her, gazing up at the sunny sky and shielding my eyes with my arm.

"Define 'weird'," she makes a good point. "Don't think anything could get weirder than the end of the world and lurkers."

"True. We were back at School," I focus on the asphalt, kicking a rock. "Jace was beginning to read in Bio class and-"

"And the sirens went off..." she recalls sadly.

"No, that's the thing," I face her. "It didn't. Jace finishes off and you were next in line to read."

"Ha, weird," she agrees. "It should've been like that, 'stead of this," she gazes around.

"And then I was supposed to get your number after Health class." Why the fuck did I just say that? "In the dream," I clarify, slightly blushing. "In my dream, I was supposed to get your number after Health class."

"Lol," Ella smiles awkwardly. "And did you?"

"Uh, yeah nah, that's when I woke up."

"Bummer," she pouts.

Offt, okay then.

Elody is her actual name. Walking together got us talking more and I found out some interesting stuff about her. Her favourite colour is emerald green. She loves red velvet cupcakes and sunsets – I mean, who doesn't? She hates bananas though, she says it's too slimy down the throat. Also, I learned that her brother passed away in a car accident not long ago. So she really did know what it felt like... I shouldn't've blown her off like that at Moonlight's Diner.

"Had none of this happened, what would you become?" I ask her, I just wanna know everything about her, you feel me? I don't know why.

"A baker, and eventually, open up my own Pâtisserie someday in Monte Carlo," she smiles proudly. "How about you?"

"Love that. Me? Probs try to make a living out of playing baseball globally. I love base-"

"Hey, buildings up ahead!" Bray stops at a cliff road. "We're close, woohoo!"

"We should probably keep it down," Carmen looks around cautiously.

She's right.

"Wait a minute," Jace squints, shielding the sun from his eyes. "The fuck?"

"What?" Amber peers over his shoulder, jumping a bit because he's a whole foot taller than her. "What is it?"

"Look," he puts an arm around her, pointing. "In front of the buildings, right...there."

Amber gasps and steps back

"Be right back," I tell Ella and join Jace to find out what they're looking at.

FULL LOCKDOWN (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now