Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

Harrys POV

Panting is all I hear. After 40 minutes of me digging into her I stop. I stopped after I climaxed into the condom. I scooted off her and she began playing with herself. She said she wasn't done but I told her not to make a mess on my bed. I got up and when into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, to clean myself up. I took of the condom and tossed it in the trash bin. I could hear Macey moaning and calling out for me. Slut.

I turn on the water of the sink and let it run until it's room temperature. I put my hands together under the running water and splash the water in my face a couple times. I turn of the water and rub my eyes resting my hands on either side of the sink and look at myself in the mirror. What have I done? What was I thinking? I ask myself all these questions that will remain unanswered and then Olivia's face pops in my head.

Olivia Grace Maxwell. The most beautiful girl in the world. Nobody, not even Macey, can compare to her beauty. What the hell was I thinking having sex with Macey out of anger. Im so stupid. I need to drop her now and get her out of here before Edward comes home.

I walk back into the room and Maceys still laying there naked on my bed. I reach down for my boxers and slide them on. She gets out of bed and walks towards me. She puts her manicured hands around my neck and presses her lips onto mine. I give in and enter her mouth with my tongue and place my hand on her bare bottom. She reaches down my chest and her hand goes into the fabric of the boxers holding my length in her hand. I moan then I remember why I shouldn't be doing this. I remove my hand from behind her and lightly push her off. I walk over to the dresser and pull out some regular football shorts and put them on. She stand there just looking at me.

"You should go," I finally say.

"So you're just dropping me like that?" she laughs.

"I'm not dropping you, I'm just saying you need to leave," I reach down in the mini fridge and grab two water bottles. I toss her one and she catches it but then throws it on the bed.

"You're dropping me," she says, "you used me."

"Now how'd you figure that," I say.

"You can't just have sex with me and then tell me to go," she picks up her panties and bra and puts them on.

"What do you want from me Macey?" I cross my arms, "what do you want?"

"I want you," she comes closer, "don't you miss me?"

"No," I sternly reply, "I've told you before. We are done."

"It doesn't have to be that way," shes so needy.

"Well may I remind you that you cheated on me and then broke up with me," I tell her.

"One time," she shouts.

"Three times actually," I correct her. She's now fully dressed and sitting on my bed putting her shoes on.

"You fucked Max from Lacrosse while we were still dating," I begin, "you gave Luke a fucking blow job on our year anniversary after I left you at Kate's house which is Luke's fucking cousin and you had sex with Jason from my fucking football team in the locker room while wearing my football jersey."

"Shall I go on?" I shout at her.

"Then why did you call me here?!" She shouts. I was trying to be nice about it but she's driving me mad.

"Because I wanted to fuck you out of anger!" I say, "this was no intimate moment I wanted to have with you. I was mad because of fucking scene of Edward and Olivia at the bowling alley earlier tonight."

"You're an asshole just like your brother," she says, "you're no Prince Charming, you're a fucking psycho!" she yells and runs up the steps slamming my door and the front door that I hear it from down here. I turned into Edward tonight. A sex crazed asshole dropping girls after sex and calling them sluts by mentioning all the guys she's fucked. I'm changing not for the better but for the worst, and I'm not liking it.

Edwards POV

I finally reach the gate of our house and park at the from of the round driveway. I run up the steps and get inside.

"Hey!" I shout. Harrys coming from his room shirtless and walking into the kitchen.

"What!?" he shouts back.

"You and fucking Mr. Calculators are going to fucking get it," I pace towards him.

"Fuck off Edward," he stands in front of the refrigerator.

"No," I yell, "you two ruined everything tonight and-" I stop once I see Harrys swollen eyes and messy hair.He has a glass filled with ice and a caramel brown liquid inside. I can smell the alcohol from here.

"What the hell are you thinking you fucking idiot?" I grab the glass from his hand and toss it in the sink.

"Fuck you!" he shouts.

"Are you fucking insane," I push him down, "you can't fucking drink tequila. You're fucking allergic!"

"Fuck you," he says and laughs, "I don't give a flying fuck." his words slur.

"Marcel !" I shout, "Marcel hurry up and help me!"

"I love you Edward," Harry cries, "I'm sorry man. I have to go."

"No shut the fuck up!" I tell him.

"Marcel!" I shout, "Mum! Dad! Anyone!"

"What's going on?" dad runs in a robe and slippers, "Harry! Edward what happened."

"Fucking idiot drank tequila," I shout.

"Marcel! Fucking shit come down here," I shout.

"What!" he comes down rubbing his eyes, "oh my god." He rushes over and sees Harry lying on the ground.

"What did you do!" he shouts at me.

"I didn't do anything," I shout back, "he drank tequila."

"I'm going to get the car," dad leaves Marcel and I with Harry.

"I'm sorry guys," Harry cries, "I love you."

"Harry shut up," I cry, "shut up! You're not going to die."

"Baby!" I hear my mother come in, "Harry what were you thinking," she cries.

"I can't take it anymore," he whispers, "I'm such a fuck up."

"Get him in," Dad calls from the doorway. Marcel and I pick Harry up and rush over to the car outside.

"I'm going," mum says.

"Okay but he have to hurry," Dad runs to the drivers side.

"Stay here," mum says.

"Mum we have to go with you," I shout.

"No!" she cries,"stay here please." she climbs in the car and they drive off.

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