Twenty Seven•

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"Sir, she's not cooperating, she's lacking blood, she's in coma."
"I'm sorry sir, I suppose she'll wake up from the coma eventually, if she woke up early or late it won't be fine, and if she didn't wake up, then I'm sorry sir."
"She'll wake up.. she can't leave me."
"All we can do is pray, and wait."
I nodded as he patted my shoulder and then left.
Mariah, she's in coma, she got crashed by a car after coming back from work. So yes, she got the job, and ever since she got it she was dancing on flames, carrying me with her, making me dance forcefully on the lavatory locale, getting stabbed in my severe heart one after one.
Quandam, before she got the job, she was completely fine, she was the Mariah I knew, the Mariah I stalked, the Mariah I loved.
Ever since she got that job, something changed her, not sure what but I have a feeling it's from that Hansen.
Cause He, thrasonically, hit her.
He crashed her when she was fragiley coming back home, I remember her calling me, and I didn't answer because I was working.
Then I sensed that something was wrong, that's she's in danger, that she's ached.
And when I heard the news, I felt like throwing up rose thorns, I was bewildered. Like, my Mariah isn't hurt, that my Mariah won't die right?
Now, I'm in the hospital garden, inhaling exotic smoke.
I knew if Mariah saw me smoking now, she'd take a hold of the cigarette and throw it with all power she holds.
"I've lost so many people from smoking I lost count and I almost tried to lose myself from it and I don't wanna lose you."
Her words replay in my mind like some blink-182 song.
I don't know what I'd do if I lost her, I thanked God for the moment I got to be with her and I can't just lose her, that simply.
All I can do now is pray, as the doctor said, I should be strong for her, my Mariah.
"Hi, can I sit?"
I became sane as I looked at the petite creature hovering around me.
She was blonde, Having blue eyes and she was quiet short, but she wasn't Mariah.
"No problem," I whispered.
"So, why you're here?" She asked.
"I'm here for my girlfriend, she got into an accident, and you?"
"I'm also here with my boyfriend, he's having some tests."
I nodded.
"What's your name?"
"Harry Styles, and you are?"
"Leigh, Leigh Hansen."
"Well, nice to meet you, female Hansen."
I smirked as I watch her smile.
Oh, I remembered you.
I'm thirsty, I want Harry.
Where's he anyway?
Why I can't move? Why I can't talk?
Why's everything so black? Hello?
I'm thirsty, and all I want is to get up.
Why I can't get up?!
"Hey Darling, I'm here baby, I know you can't hear me,"
Harry! I can hear you!
"I just want you to know that, I'm always here for you and that I'd still be here when you wake up."
Wake up? Harry dear, I'm awake!
"Mariah baby, I love you, so much. So much that I'm going to kill him."
I love you more Harry! I love you even more!
"I'm going to kill him, for your sake and mine."
Don't go..
"It's never too late."

The Fault in our Nostalgia // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now