Twenty two•

6 3 0

Previously from the fault in our nostalgia;
"I love you,"
"I love you."
We vowed our "I love you"'s instead of "I do's", I aimed to kiss her, to confirm she is mine, and only mine.
I held her by her hand and kissed it slowly,
"Mine," I whispered
She half smiled, then let go of my hand.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I don't-" she sighed
"You're what?" I asked yet again, puzzled.
"I just-"
"You're just what?" I asked through gritted teeth.
She looked at me with fear, her eyes were moving quickly and furiously, she was trembling, I was scaring her.
She backed away from me, as slowly as she can, her lips partly open then close, the spark in her eyes wanted to tell me something, she wanted to speak but she couldn't.
As she backed away, I pulled her to my chest as fast I could.
I wrapped my arms around her, she was crying, all of sudden.
"Do you want to run away love?" I began to whisper, aiming to calm her oceanic nerves down.
"You want to find a great escape with me?"
"Do you want us to fade?"
With every question she clenches on my shirt harder than she does.
She says between sobs, all she did was sobbing.
I pulled away from the hug, rubbed her cheek with my thumbs, and kissed every tear she cried.
Until she stopped, and intertwined our fingers.
"I want you to be mine forever,"
"Your words are what I live for, ignite me love."
"So," he started casually, as if he was about to ask me what movie we should watch.
"When did you fall in love with me?" I almost choked on the handful of popcorn i had grabbed and gave him incredulous look. He just grinned cheekily at me.
"I don't want to tell you."
"Oh come on, why not" he pouted.
"Its cheesy as hell." He laughed, and as a way of encouragement, said,
"i like cheesy." I looked at him for a moment and then rolled my eyes and sighed.
"It was a couple months back, when we were studying in the library for finals, i left to go find a book we both needed but when i was walking back, i stopped. You were sitting in the same spot; but you looked different, and i couldn't stop staring. The rays of light were pouring in from the big window and they made your hair look like gold and your green eyes glowed. A boy walked past me and said,
"you're looking at him like he's the sun, don't ever let him go." I winced, as if i couldn't believe I was saying this out loud, but continued.
My cheeks tinged a rosy shade of pink. "When he said that, all i could think was, i never will."
"And you call that cheesy?" He grinned.
"I guess," I blushed even harder.
We were sitting on his sofa, still wondering what to watch.
"Can we watch something now?" I rolled my eyes and looked at him, he was still smiling as he chuckled.
"What do you want to watch, girlfriend?"
He said that and my stomach turned into knots, excitement rushed through my veins and my lungs released butterflies.
"What ever you want, boyfriend." I laughed.
"The Notebook it is,"
"Cliché, but I love it."
"I love you even more."
"Clichér," I noted sarcastically.
"Is that even a word?"
"I have my own dictionary, mister."
"Well excuse me, your highness." He talked in a very funny posh way.
I couldn't help but laugh, and as the movie started, he pulled me into his lap and spooned me with his arms.
And all I heard was,
"it's fate that plays with us to prove we sacrifice to the right people, doll face."

The Fault in our Nostalgia // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now