Keeping Up With the Chases (Episode 5)

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      Annabeth and I sat alone in the break room.
She took a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. "Magnus, if Percy and I are already attracting monsters, we're in trouble. I don't know how much of a threat Loki is, but I do know that monsters play to kill." I looked away. "I know... We need reinforcements. I should've brought Floor 19 along." She nodded, her gray eyes stormy. "I'm just worried about all of this. Alex's vision meant something. Loki summoning a giant.. that could mean he has connections to me, or even Percy." I swallowed, suddenly worried. "Of course, it could always be a giant from Jotunheim, but I don't know of any that would be powerful enough to start Ragnarok."
She starts to reply, but is cut off by Alex, who has thrown open the door, her eyes wild. "I know where Loki is."


Alex ushered a dwarf, an elf, a Valkyrie, and three Greek demigods into the break room, plopping down beside me. "I had another vision. I know where Loki is, I just don't know what he's doing or why he's there," she said, her voice quavering a bit. Hearthstone looked miffed, probably because he was woken up from his nap for this. 'Get on with it then,' he signed. Alex carded a hand through her hair, sighing. "Loki was in a sacred Norse cave. And he was summoning his father, Fárbauti. The name means 'Cruel Striker' in Old Norse." Percy's face paled. "Uh.. 'Cruel Striker'? Like.. he will strike us, cruelly?" Annabeth rolled her eyes. "No, Percy, he'll invite us to a playdate!" Will snickered. "All I'm saying is, if Loki is this powerful, his father must be really strong. Meaning the two of them together would be catastrophic. We need reinforcements, and we need to learn to fight like heroes." Annabeth smiled. "I can iris-message some old friends, and Percy can teach you all some fighting techniques. Alex, can you navigate for us?" Alex nodded firmly.
Percy stood from his chair and ushered Hearthstone, Blitzen, Sam and I into what appeared to be a closed-off training room. "Ready for sword-fighting 101?"

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