Chapter 6: Backstage

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   I followed the security guard to where backstage is. He led me to a door that says "Shawn Mendes" on there. I started to smile a little bit because he actually wants to see me after the show.

   The security guard knocks on the door.

"Shawn, someone is here to see you" he says.

    The door opened and revealed Shawn who smiled when he saw me standing in front of him.

"Oh hey Skylar" he said.

"Hey" I responded back.

   The security guard eventually left which leaves me and Shawn. I walked into his dressing room and it was filled with his merch, a couch, gifts from fans, and obviously his guitar.

"So why did you invite me backstage?" I asked him.

"What? Can I hang around with a pretty girl like you" he asked.

   I blushed for a little bit but at the same time he was flirting with me. I never seen him flirt with other fans.

"I'm flattered that you called me pretty but I'm still working why." I told him.

"I just told you the reason. When I saw you first walk I'm to meet me, I just saw it with my own eyes a beautiful girl. I'm sorry if I'm making  you feel uncomfortable but-"

   I interuppted him.

"Shawn, don't be. I'm so happy that you invited me here because I just wanted to tell you that I've been a huge fan of you for 2 years. Your music is really amazing and whenever I'm down, I would listen to your music or watch a compilation of your vines."

    Shawn stood there smiling. I've always wanted to tell Shawn about me being a huge fan of him and now I'm really happy that I told one of my idols that.

"Skylar that's really sweet. Thank you so much" he says.

   He opened his arms signaling me to hug him and I did. My arms were wrapped around his waist while his arms were wrapped around mine.

    We pulled away from the hug and Shawn smiles at me.

"So since you obviously know a lot about me, how about we hang out sometime so that I can get to know a lot about you? I have a couple days off here before I go to my next stop of the tour" he says.

   I nodded in agreement.

"I would love that" I said.

"That's great. Can I get your number so that I can call or text you when we can hang out?" He asked me.

"Of course" I said.

   We exchanged numbers and I said bye to Shawn since it was starting to get late and my parents are probably worrying about me right now. We hugged each other before I left and I started to walk out of the arena.

   If only this day would never end but at least I'm gonna see him again.

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