Author's Note

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Hi everyone.

This is my first proper fanfiction. I've written- more like, planned and never finished- only two or three fanfictions, but this one is the first proper one I'm writing. I hope it goes okay.

This story's going to be in third person, but there will be points of view from Sam, Dean, Cas and Gabe in the different chapters, and they'll be indicated like this, for example:

-- Castiel --

It's January 2017 as I write this, and I'm in my first year of sixth form, so I have AS exams this year, and lots of work to do, so I can't promise to update on a regular basis- and there could be weeks between each new chapter. I will keep y'all posted on my progress, so you can know roughly when each next chapter will be put up.

Thanks in advance for reading this, everyone, and thanks for the follows (if you follow), I hope you enjoy my story. If you have any suggestions for improvements on this story, or any ideas for other Supernatural fanfictions, then let me know!

Thank you

Emrys Ace.

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