Luke Kuechly for Gillian

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If I said I wasn't the happiest girl alive, I would be lying. For the past ten years, Luke has made me feel like royalty. He has treated me like his queen even though he was going through some hard times himself.

Today was mine and Luke's tenth anniversary, but all I found was a note on the fridge, no Luke. The note said that I should be ready by 8 pm. I smiled to myself reading Luke's messy hand writing. I wondered what he had planned for tonight but I was very excited.

By 7:30 pm, I was all dressed up and ready to go out with Luke, I was watching some TV but then I heard a knock at the door. I quickly turned the TV off before basically sprinting to the door. I pulled the door open as quickly as possibly to reveal Luke standing in one of his favourite suits.

"Hey beautiful" Luke smiled brightly before placing a soft kiss on my cheek, I blushed at his actions before walking out and locking the front door behind.

"So Luke, what will we being doing tonight?" I questioned him, really wanting to know what he had planned.

"Well honey, that is a secret that you will soon find out" Luke smirked slightly before holding the passenger door open for me to climb in. I quickly climbed in saying a small thank you before Luke placed a blindfold around my eyes.

"Don't worry, you wont have to wear that for long" Luke said before jumping in the drivers side. He started to drive for about ten minutes before he stopped the car and helped me get out. He slowly instructed me to follow him, which took about ten minutes before we came to a holt.

What I didn't know, was that Luke was on his knee in front of me.

"Sweetie, you can take the blindfold off now" I smiled brightly before quickly pulling It off to reveal that we were at the place we had our first ever date together. When I saw that Luke was on one knee in front of me, I placed my hands over my mouth in surprise and started to cry.

"Gillian, you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me ad I wouldn't know where I would be now if we hadn't had started dating exactly ten years ago today. So Gillian, will you please do me the honour of becoming Mrs Kuechly?"

All I could do was smiled and nod, but I knew that I was very lucky to have a man called Luke Kuechly in my life.

( Hey Gillian, I hope you enjoy your requested imagine :) So guys the requests are now open again, so don't forget you can either request by commenting on the request page at the start of this book or you could send me a message with your request. Love you guys so much xox )

NFL imagines and preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora