Insane Things To Do If You Become A Shadowhunter. BLOOPERS. 21-30.

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Insane Things To Do If You Become A Shadowhunter. BLOOPERS. 21-30.

21) Start singing 'Blood' by my chemical romance to Simon when he hasn't drunk anything in a while.

22) Give Simon a drink of fake Halloween blood.

23) Challenge Jace to a jumping competition.

24) When you go out to hunt demons yell: "Let's do this thing!!" To see how many weird looks you get.

25) Keep pushing Jace to see of he ever loses his balance.

26) Wear a shirt saying 'I'm a mate of werewolves.' when you are around Luke.

27) Steal Jace's flying motorbike and sing 'I believe I can fly.' when you fly it.

28) Sing 'Where my demons hide' when you go hunting demons with the Shadowhunters.

29) Ask Jace if he draws on his arms with marker pen.

30) Call Jace a wannabe goth weirdo.

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