Insane Things To Do If You Become A Shadowhunter. 21-30.

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Insane Things To Do If You Become A Shadowhunter. 21-30.

21) Paint a painting of Idris and then give it to a demon stating: This is what you'll never see then kill it will a Seraph blade.

22) Sit down in the Institute and create Jalec (JacexAlec) FanFictions.

23) Ask Simon if he is warm enough.

24) Tell Clary that her mum has woken up from being in the hospital.

25) Tell Jace if Clary doesn't want him any more you'll gladly take her place.

26) Give Jace tea with bergamot in it and then hand him a cucumber sandwich.

27) Tell Maia that her brother wants to talk.

28) If you are a werewolf proclaim that you are going marry Raphael, leader of the vampire clan.

29) Tell Alec that he pouts way too often.

30) Give Jocelyn City of Bones to read and then say: That is why you shouldn't leave your children unattended!

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