Insane Things To Do If You Become A Shadowhunter. 91-100.

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Insane Things To Do If You Become A Shadowhunter. 91-100.

91) Ask Jace if there is such thing as the Mortal toilet bowl.

92) Get rid of all of Clary's paints then blame it on Isabelle.

93) Ask Isabelle if she would ever carry Church in her handbag.

94) Take a photography class and take photos of the Shadowhunters in unpredictable moments.

95) Shave Jace and Isabelle's hair off when they are asleep.

96) Start a food fight at Magnus' party.

97) Put mud in Isabelle's bed.

98) Replace all of Alec's clothes with rainbow coloured shirts and leather trousers.

99) Replace Church with a different cat to see if anyone notices.

100) Stock all the cupboards with bitter revenge.

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