Believe it or not

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*Jinnahs POV*

We have been so happy these past few weeks! I can't believe that one person can make you so happy, yet so confused... He confuses me if you didn't get that. One moment he is happy and the next he is so distant, I wonder if something is wrong. We haven't fought about anything so I don't understand, well it's going to be even more difficult now that school is closing and holidays are only a few hours away.

We go on with the school day, except we have no work because well it's the last day of school. I sit on Reins desk as we talk(he makes me laugh). We talk while one of his friends and one of my friends sit and talk with us. Even though we are laughing something just doesn't feel right.

*school bell rings*
*office announcement*

"Would all teachers and students please start making their way down to the bell wall for flags down, thank you" we all start packing up and picking our bags up. We line up and make our way down to the bell wall. Everyone in my friendship group is dreading this because one of our really close friend (Nicky) was going to be leaving the school today. She wasn't going to be joining us for our next year of primary school, for our last year of primary school.

We walked until we reached the place where we had to line up.

We stand In the scorching hot sun and listen to the speeches of the principal and students. This takes around ten minutes -as usual- and then the famous words were said by our principal," Go home and bug your parents!" The Bell was rung and the students threw their caps into the air. We obviously started bawling our eyes out at the prospect of loosing our friend.
I walked over to hug one of my friends as someone stopped me dead in my tracks. It was Kiran," Jinnah I'm so sorry but Rein is breaking up with you" at that point my heart broke into a million pieces. Firstly because he just broke up with me and secondly because well he had asked someone else to break up with him for me. "Oh okay," I said trying not to seem too upset. "Are you okay?" Kiran asked me. I just replied with a "yes I will be fine" and went on my way. I had started crying so hard I didn't want anyone to see me but my friend had stopped me and asked what the matter was. So that when I explained everything. /Now is not the time to be sad/ I told my self. It's your birthday in a few days and everything will be okay.


Okay so I decided to finish this book, I am a very confused person.
Okay well let me know what you thought of that chapter.

Please comment,vote,read!

With lots of love from me ♡♥♡

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