What Now

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*Reins POV*

She looked so shocked, she seemed as if she couldn't ,wait no didn't want to, wrap her head around the fact that she was the one;she had always been the one.

And now for the final word. I had to see what she would say about who she likes....(I hope it's me, please be me).
"So Jinnah," I said " who do you like??"

She looked perplexed as if she didn't understand the question. So I decided I would ask her again. "Jinnah...." I approached her slowly as if I was a lion trying not to spook my prey. "I asked who do you like,"

"Well it's only fair that I tell you, you know since you told me," she replied.
"So tell me then," I coaxed her on. "It's. ......." " oh just spit it out!" I screamed out at her. "Alright, alright jeez Louise. It's you!" She said enthusiastically.

I did NOT know how to reply. I mean it's so rare that your crush likes you back. So instead of replying I just hugged her......... One long hug. She hugged me back.

This was the beginning of our story!


Hey guys!!

I'm so sorry to the people who read this book. I haven't posted in a while. I feel so bad. But thank you for being patient.

Please guys don't hesitate to comment, vote and follow me on wattpad!I don't mind Dm's if you have any questions either. Otherwise just hit me up in the comments.

Thanks so much again

Lots of love to you all

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