Chapter 15: The Hospital

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We got everything we needed packed and ready to go. We walked out of the cabin and through the woods towards the road. Once we found the road there was a wine bottle in the middle of it. We walked up to it seeing a paper in it. Jesse picked it up and read it out loud:

Ok so here's the truth truth. I am part of a group that stays at the Southern Sunshine Hospital. You guys need doctors and we have that all. Doctors, medical supplies,working showers. I stay at that cabin hoping that survivors will find it. I make sure they are nice and if they are ok people an want to leave. I lead them to were we are staying. See you soon! -Ethan.

"Uh,ok." Kat said.

"So,can we trust these people?" Josh said.

"They live at a hospital I'm sure they are good people." I said.

"Ok let's go!" Kat said.

"Which way?" Jesse asked.

"Well the bottle was on the floor facing that way so..." Josh said.

"Good enough for me." I said as we started to walk down the street.

We walked for a while finally seeing another bottle in the center of town. We kept walking, past all the stores, not thinking of really getting anything. When we reached the end of the small town there were three ways to go. We looked down all the roads looking for another bottle.

"Over here!" Kat called.

We followed her down the left road. We passed the bottle and kept walking. "Ok so,does this guy drink all this stuff at one time. This is a lot of bottles." Josh said.

"I don't know. He sure was gulping the down at the cabin." I said.

"These might be his empty bottles." Kat said.

"Empty or full, this guy is still an alcoholic." Josh said.

We kept walking for a long time passing two more bottles. We turned a corner and saw a huge building behind some trees.

"Is that it?" Kat pointed.

"Maybe.." I said.

We walked towards the building. It grew bigger the closer we got. Eventually we saw the big sign "Southern Sunshine Hospital"

We walked closer seeing men and women with guns in their hands. They were guarding the hospital. They smiled and waved at us as we entered the building. We walked into the main room and saw Ethan talking to a nurse.

"Oh hey! You made it!" He greeted us. "This is Gretchen she will show you to your rooms and once your settled in someone will be up to show you around."

Gretchen smiled and walked to the stairs. "So,I heard there are two couples so we have two rooms with bigger beds."

"Bigger beds?" Kat said.

"Yes,for you both to sleep in." Gretchen said.

"Yeah but they have bigger hospital beds?" Kat asked.

"Oh no,some rooms have the hospital beds but we replaced most of the hospital beds with normal beds." She explained.


When we got to the third floor we walked down a long corridor. There were people talking and kids playing.

"Here's the first room." Gretchen said as she opened the door. "We like to decorate them a bit.

The room and light blue curtains covering the two windows and the bed had dark blue bedding. "Oh wow!" Kat said. "Are all the rooms the same colors?"

"No." Gretchen answered.

"You guys can take this one,I'm not a fan of blue." Kat said.

"Good! I love blue!" I said as I walked in.

Kat, Josh, and Gretchen left as I closed the door. "So.." Jesse said putting our bags under the bed.

"This safe enough for you?" I asked.

"Well,duh. It's a hospital it's perfect." Jesse said.

Someone knocked on the door and Jesse opened it. A you man in his twenties greeted us. "I'm jon,I'm here to show you guys around."

Me and Jesse followed jon around the hospital. He showed us the cafeteria, the showers, lots of other things. Once we were done he took us back to out room. "Hope you don't forget where you guys stay."

"Uh,we might." I laughed.

"There numbers on the door, remember your number and you should be fine." Jon said.

"Thank you for taking us in." Jesse said.

"Anytime." Jon said as he walked away.

Me and Jesse went back inside our room. It didn't take long for the door to be knocked on again. I opened it to see josh and Kat. "Hey!"

"Hi,you guys want to see our room?" Josh asked.

"Sure." I said as I walked out with Jesse behind me.

Their room had an olive green bedspread with light green curtains. "Wow,I'm not a big fan of green." I said.

Kat laughed. "Oh well. Hey want to go looking around?"

"Yeah sure." I said.

"I'm going to hang with Jesse for a bit." Josh said.

I nodded as me and Kat went one way and Jesse and Josh went the other way. We were walking up the stairs hoping to get to the roof. When we finally got there the door was locked and it smelt awful.

"What is that?" Kat asked covering her nose.

"Smells like, rotting corpses and mold." I said.

"Do you think there is walkers up there?"

"I don't know but it smells like it."

We looked at the peeling floor. It was rotted in some areas and didn't look safe. "We should go." I said.

Me am Kat walked down stairs still covering our noses from the smell. "Is that safe?" Kat asked.

"Is what safe?"

"The rotting ceiling."

"No. Not at all."

"Gosh,what do we do?"

"I don't know. Theres nothing we can do. I say we move once they baby is old enough to talk."

"What if it caves in before then?"

"Let's hope it doesn't."

We reached the third floor again and went I our rooms. I walked inside my room and sat on the bed. All I could think about was how perfect this place was before I found out about the roof. That's all I'm going to be worrying about. I was thinking about telling Jesse but I wanted to wait.

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