Chapter 11:Right Behind

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"Hey,Vivian? It's ok,we still have some time. We have to keep moving and we could be able to find him before he,you know....tomorrow." David told me as I wiped my tears.

I nodded and stood up, dusting off my pants. I hurried to my bag and headed down the way I was going. David followed behind me, as usual. We walked for awhile until I saw some cans by a tree. I walked up to them and examined the cans. They were just recently opened up by some knifes, all the same cans of beans. Gross. I left the cans and kept walking.

I didn't think we were that far from them, we were right behind them, they seemed to be so close. We found an empty field with some twigs and ashes.

"Do you think this is where they slept?" David asked me.

"Maybe." I finally said to him.

I sat down and rested, while David rummaged threw the duffle bag of food. He tossed me some chips and beans with some more flat soda. I started to laughed at the thought of chips and beans.

"What's so funny?" He asked looking at me as if I were mental.

"Chips and bean dip!" I laughed as I held them up.

He chuckled a bit and shook his head. "You know what's funny? How you can still smile after what the world as become."

I nodded my head in agreement while I tore open the can of beans. I opened the chips and ate the food fast. I was in a hurry to find Jesse before the night. When I was finished with the beans and chips I left them at the tree I was sitting by. I got up, dusted off my pants, grabbed the soda and went on my way again.

David ran up behind me still eating his chips. I drank the soda and walked as fast and calmly as I could. We heard moaning coming from a far distance. I dropped the bottle of soda and grabbed my gun. David pulled out his knife and we continued walking. No walkers came out or were even seen. They must have been passing us and just didn't see us from behind the trees.

We kept walking with our weapons in our hands not seeing a sight of anything but trees. Trees, leaves, dirt, and grass. No people or walkers or any sign of people or walkers. That was until I saw a body on the floor. Me and David ran up to it. David turned it over as I aimed my gun.

The persons stomach was ripped open with intestines falling out of it. I gagged at the sight as well as the smell. The person awoke and grabbed David. I instantly shot the gun, hitting the walker directly in the head. It happened so fast that I didn't realize what I did. David looked at me and then behind me. I turned around and saw a herd heading toward us.

I helped David up and we ran from the huge herd I had attracted. We ran threw trees and leaves almost tripping on the roots and our feet. I was running so fast that everything around me seemed to blur up. I could barely see anything, I just saw whipping flashes of green and brown. I almost ran into a few trees until I finally ran into a person.

I fell down and caught my breath. I let my eyes adjust before I looked at who I ran into. I looked up and saw a young man holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"Hey you ok?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered out of breath as I let go of his hand.

I heard David run up behind me. "Hey, I'm David." He said as he caught his breath.

"What y'all runnin' from? Those eaters?" The man asked.

"Yeah,a herd of walkers." I told him.

"Walkers? Hmm. Well I like that better then eaters." He told us.

"So,what's your name redneck?" David asked.

"Watch it boy! It's Andrew." He said.

"I'm Vivian." I told him.

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