Chapter 4:Homeless

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"Ok," I said as I grabbed my bag. "Jesse, Kat grab your bags. Jesse get one of the bags of food." I grabbed the other bag of food and hung it on my back for a better carry.

"What are we doing." Kat asked.

"We have to run. My damn car is not working and we have to go now." I told her as I got out of the car. I grabbed Kat and ran down the street with Jesse. I looked back and saw all the zombies surround out cars. We continued to run for a long time.

When we though we were safe,we stopped running and walked. My back was aching from holding the heavy bag of food on it. We were out of breath,but far from the overrun camp. We walked and walked for what seemed like ages. We were walking along a road surrounded by the forest.

We reached a small town that had lots of walkers roaming around.

"Great,now what." Kat said.

"We go through the forest." I said as I walked in to the woods. Jesse and Kat followed close behind.

We saw nothing but trees and dirt and leaves and more trees. We heard walkers but they did see us. We kept walking for awhile,not seeing any houses or any body. Eventually we stopped to take a break.

"So,what are we gonna do?Like,where are we gonna stay;sleep?" Kat said.

"I don't know yet. The trees," I joked.

I gave Kat and energy bar. She took some water as well. Jesse and I ate some chips. We just sat around,doing nothing but eating and resting. When we caught our breath more and finished eating,we got up and started to walk again.

We heard a high pitched scream and we ran towards it. We saw this girl on the floor bit. She was with small group. A guy who was about 20,a mom with her son who looked about 10,and I'm guessing the dad. They were surrounded by walkers.

Me,Jesse and Kat helped kill some of the walkers. The girl on the floor was crying in pain. When we finished I walked over to check on her.

"Thank you for helping us," said the mom. "I'm Christa."

"I'm Vivian. That's Kaitlin,and that's Jesse." I told them.

"I'm David. That little boy is John,his dad George. And this is my sister May." He told us.

"Little bro?" She said in pain.

He knelt down beside her. "Yeah?"

"I love you. Keep the group safe. These people,I'm sure they are going to help you as best as they can." She told him.

"We will,it would be great to have more people." I told them.

"Thank you." said the little boy.

"I love you too,May." David said. He brought out his knife and looked at his sister one last time. She closes her eyes and stopped breathing. Christa started to cry in her husbands arms.

"Do you have shelter?" I asked.

"Yeah,it's a few miles away from here. We were trying to find food." George told us.

"We have lots of food." Kat said.

"You do?" The boy asked.

"Yeah. We should leave David here with his sister and head to where your staying," Jesse said.

"That would be best." David said.

We followed Christa and her family to where ever they were staying. Jesse was talking to George up ahead. Kat was talking to Christa and her son. I was behind everyone when David came up.

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