Chapter 30 ~edited~

Start from the beginning

"My own mother taunted me for not telling them!" she shouted.

Narcissa shook her head, "Darling, she was trying to test you and clearly you've failed. Wasn't that two years ago anyways?"

"That doesn't matter! I didn't want them to find out from someone else," she said, her voice trembling.

Narcissa looked out the window, "You know I adore you, but you've disappointed your parents and I'm worried that they're going to hurt you."

"Please," she whispered, tears now flowing freely, "don't take me home," she begged.

"I'm sorry, you've grown too soft for their liking. They need things to change and I can't change their minds."

Julie chocked back a sob and rested her head in her hands.

* * * * * * * *

Juliet shivered slightly as she leaned against the cold wall. The floor beneath her was also cold and slightly damp. She winced as she placed a dirty hand against her cheek and dabbed the fresh cut.

A door across the room opened and she tried to make herself smaller.

Narcissa appeared holding a candle, "I brought you something to eat."

Juliet looked at the floor, "I don't want it."

"You have to eat."

Juliet looked at her with sad eyes, "Please," she pleaded, "just let me starve."

"You don't mean that," Narcissa whispered sadly.

"At least let me go," her voice croaked.

"I can't. The Dark Lord is furious, he won't stop until he's finished with you."

"How long have I been down here for?"

"Over a month."

"Has my birthday passed?"

Narcissa sighed, "It was yesterday."

Juliet rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes. She heard Narcissa place the bowl on the floor before she left the basement. Her thoughts drifted back to her friends, especially to Harry, who knew how to make her feel safe and at home.

* * * * * * * *

Voldemort walked in a circle around Juliet and inspected her. He placed a hand roughly against her bruised shoulder. Juliet felt her shoulder burn but she hid the pain. Bellatrix stood in the shadows, watching.

"I believe you've had enough now," he said.

Juliet gave one quick nod.

"There's only a week left until school, you have until then to rest properly. You're lucky I've allowed you out of the basement at all," he glared at her.

Juliet's voiced quivered, "Yes my Lord. Thank you my Lord. I promise it won't happen again."

"You will not stray on your new found path to power, understand?"

"Yes my Lord, I will do better," she whispered.

"Good," he gave her a horrid grin, "now get out of my presence."

Juliet bowed slightly and swiftly left the room. Narcissa was waiting for her and quickly pulled her into a gentle hug.

"My sweet Juli," Juliet felt Narcissa's tears on her shoulder, "let's get you cleaned up, fed and rested."

When she didn't respond, Narcissa looked into Juliet's blank eyes. Sighing, she led Juliet into a fresh guest room.

Juliet entered the shower and winced as the water stung her body. She washed away the dirt that had accumulated and scrubbed the dried blood gently. Once she had finished, she found a tray of food waiting for her at the foot of her bed.

Ignoring it, she slowly crawled into bed and curled up into the covers before quickly falling into a restless sleep full of nightmares.

* * * * * * * *

I kind of feel bad for hurting Juli, but Voldemort would've been pissed at her betrayal I think.

Thanks for reading


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