If You Could Get Me A Drink

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Knock Knock

Tom grunted and sat up. The door opened. "Good morning Tom, you over slept and Edd told me to wake you up," Matt said while walking towards him. He held his hand out and helped Tom get out of bed. Matt's face turned red. "What?" "Uh, n-nothing, just remembered something Edd told me," he lied. They walked to Edd's place. "Good morning Tom! Sleep well?" "Like always, yes, and thanks for asking." Edd set down a plate in front of Tom. Matt sat down next to Tom, and Edd set down a plate in front of him. After eating only a bit of his food, Tom lost his appetite.

Tom looked over at Matt for the fifth time. Matt had been acting weirdly this morning. He shrugged it off and kept watching TV. Edd opened the fridge and got a Cola can. He closed it and walked to where Matt and Tom were. Edd saw that Matt was blushing a lot. He chuckled and sat next to him. "Come on Matt, you know this won't work, he likes Tord anyways," Edd whispered, really fucking quietly. "But Tord isn't here, there's a low chance of him coming back, and what if he does and doesn't like him as well?" Whispered back Matt. "I really doubt the last one, Tord has had a crush on Tom since high school, I know he does, he told me." "But high schoo-" "Matt, I told you, Tord does like him, they like each other." Matt sighed in defeat. He reached into his pocket and got his phone out. There were some notifications about texts from Tord from a couple minutes ago. He tapped the notification and saw what he texted to him.


Hey Matt, ya there?

Yeah, I'm here, what's up?

I just wanted to apologize for everything I did, you think you guys can forgive me?

Without thinking about the outcome, Matt texted:

We won't forgive you until you say it to our faces.

Alright, I'll go in a few days.


"Wait a minute," Matt said to himself. "Holy shi-" he got up and ran into his apartment. He sat on the floor and read the message over and over.

Alright, I'll go in a few days.

Matt got angry at himself. He ruined his chance with Tom. Looking at the message again, he threw his phone across the room, making a loud sound and breaking it. "Why am I such a fucking idiot?" He questioned himself. Matt griped tightly onto his hair, and tears formed in his eyes.

"What was that all about," asked Tom. "Umm... I'm sure it's nothing," Edd said, right before they heard a slight shatter come from the right of his apartment. "Uh... I'll go check on him." Edd left before Tom could say anything. Turning the door knob, Edd opened the door to Matt's apartment and looked in. He saw Matt curled up in a ball on the floor, quietly crying. "Matt, what's wrong?" Matt sniffed before responding. "Tord's coming back, what if him and Tom get together?" "Don't worry Matt, if they do get together, I'm sure you'll find someone better." Matt sniffed, "thanks Edd." He hugged Edd and he hugged back. "Wait, why is Tord coming back, and how do you know?" "Well, he texted me saying that he's coming back." Edd looked at the other side of the room and saw Matt's broken phone. "So that's what it was."

Tom had left Edd's place and was now in his room. He looked at old messages from Tord, they were all so dumb to just look back at. Almost all of them being about an argument they had in real life. They would always text each other instead of telling at each other, they didn't want Edd to get mad. He laughed at some, and frowned at others. "I just wish it could go back to this." Tom whispered to himself. He set down his phone on a drawer with a lamp, which was his only source of light at the time since he didn't have the ceiling lights on. Tom got up from where he was sitting and went to the restroom. He looked into the mirror, his skin was turning more yellow, he was losing weight as well. Tom then felt pain in his stomach. He clutched onto it and leaned on the wall. These were all symptoms of pancreatic cancer, which extremely worried him. Neither Edd or Matt knew about this, though sometimes they would point out that his skin was turning a bit yellow. Tom sighed, walked out of the restroom and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got some water.

Staring at the ceiling, Tom was thinking if he should tell Edd and Matt about his cancer. It would probably make them feel terrible. Then Tom started to think about Tord. If he were here... Would he care? Of course not, he hates me, and he'll never come back to us anyways. When he hears about the news he'll probably come to my funeral and dance around the casket with me inside, and be singing from joy. Yeah, seems like something he'd do. He started laughing quietly to himself. Which soon started to become a bit louder. And then he started crying. Why does he hate me? What did I ever do to him.... Well, before he came back and I exploded his robot. What did I do in the past to make him hate me? He then thought about drinking, but then remembered that he had finished all his beer. Tom then changed his mind, maybe it would make the cancer problem worse. Then a pain went into his stomach again, be clutched onto it and started crying from the pain and all his thoughts about his friends. He closed his eyes tightly as the tears fell down his cheeks, to his chin, and onto the bed sheets. Tom looked over at his clock. 5:48. Maybe a nap will make the pain go away for a bit. He pulled the bedsheets up to his neck and fell asleep.

(A/N: I bet you all hate me for making Matt having a crush on Tom. This chapter was 1023 words, I kept mah promise. If you're waiting for Tord to come back, he'll probably be in the next chapter, I'm not sure, he probably will. Anyways, I got two chapters done in one day. Yay, I guess)

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