How was your day?

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I want to hear how your day was in the comments.

My day was good, we played Trench, a modified version of dodge ball in gym, I got to learn more verbs in spanish with a funny song/chant, we read articles for argumentative essays, which were interesting, in band (I play the clarinet), I got to laugh at my friends in the flute section complaining about the song we were playing, in science we took notes about rocks (Our teacher can be just as smart as a rock sometimes.. jk), and some kids were playing a snap catch game where the ball was imaginary, and you had to snap to catch it & throw it, my science teacher was like "This is my advanced class?", I had lunch were we talked about stuff a.k.a. Trump's inauguration day, and stuff in other classes. In math we did review, and in geography we took a pretest on Europe where I got 8/10, then I went slipping, and sliding across the ice covered baseball fields, which was really fun, went to the YMCA, got picked up, so now I'm here. What happened today for you? Comment down below!

For some reason, whenever I read the first sentence I think it says "My dad was great" 😂

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