Part 4

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Jungkook p.o.v.

I arrive at Jimin's house, and ring the doorbell. 

"Coming!" an unfamiliar voice says, before opening the front door.

The door opens, revealing someone who looks like Jimin's younger brother.

"Hi, you must be Jungkook! I'm Jihyun."

"Nice to meet you, is Jimin inside?"

"Yes, he's upstairs, first door on the left side," he smiles, letting me in.

I take off my jacket before making my way up the stairs, and into Jimin's room. I walk in, finding him sitting in front of his computer, scrolling through his twitter.

"Hey, I can tell you're busy," I joke, throwing myself on his bed.

He turns around, not noticing I had walked in just now.

"Owh hey! Is it that late already?" He smiles, turning off his computer screen. "So, which part got you to panic so much you had to come over?" 

"Well, I was gonna lie and ask you to explain the whole chapter to me, but I honestly haven't even opened the book yet. I just wanted to hang out with you," I smile, setting my math book next to me.

"I kind of hoped you would say that, I might be good at math, but that doesn't mean I like spending my free time on it," He laughs, sitting down next to me.

"Good, because I couldn't care less about failing that class."

"Taehyung told me a lot about you," He starts, laying down on his back.

"He did? Only good things right?"

A chuckle leaves his mouth, brushing his hair back with his hand. He looks good when he does that. I take a look around his room, spotting a picture on his desk.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I ask him, pointing to the girl in the picture.

"No, she's just a friend, my only friend back in Busan. I'm actually not interested in girls at all," He looked nervous telling me that.

"Welcome to the club my friend, Tae and I are in the gay boat too," I laugh, jokingly pushing his shoulder.

"You too!?" He sits up, thinking I was joking.

I nod, a big smile covering my face, "I'm sure, if only dick gets me hard, I'm pretty gay."

A blush covers his cheeks, causing him to cover his face with his hands. I was going to win this, no doubt. Taehyung was too soft to win a bet like this. He wouldn't have the balls to use Jimin like that. Me on the other hand, I've turned some 'straight' guys.

"Are you and Taehyung dating?"

"Me and him! Bro I wouldn't date my best friend!"

"No, do you two have a boyfriend?"

I pause for a second, thinking about a good way to make sure Jimin wasn't going to fall for Taehyung, or at least stay away from him.

"I don't, I know Taehyung has been seeing someone, not sure how that has been working out. But he seemed to really like the guy."

"I hope the two end up together," Jimin smiles, laying back down on the bed.

Yes, he believed me.

"I'm glad you suck at math," He chuckles.

"I'm glad you suck dick," I joke, trying not to burst out in laughter.

"You didn't just say that."

"Too soon?"

He nods, covering his blushy face once more. He seemed shy about the whole subject, I could tell he didn't really talk about it.

"Have you come out yet?" I ask him, this time in a serious tone.

He shakes his head, "My dad wouldn't accept it, and my mom doesn't live with us. So I have no contact with her."

I felt bad for him, when I told my parents, they made me believe it was 'Just a phase' and 'I would grow out of it'. My dad even claimed I told them to get attention, because at that time my older brother was doing really well in school, he always was better then me. Home didn't feel like home for a long time, which made me regret coming out for a long time, so I could understand his fear. 

"They'll find a place to cope with it," I say, laying down next to him.

"It's still scary."

"I know, but you shouldn't pretend to be someone you're not."

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