Chapter: 12 - "I want Liam."

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Songs for the Chapter:

Boring- The Brobecks
I Surrender- Digital Daggers
Still Sane- Lorde
Numb- Marina and The Diamonds

Jasmine's P.O.V:

It was four weeks since I ended it. Four long ass weeks.

Liam and I hadn't had a conversation longer than 30 seconds since our fight and when we did they were plain simple things like, "Have you seen my shoes?" or "Can you hand me a spoon?". Day by day things had just got worse. I could tell Karen and Geoff felt the awkward and depression lurking in the air when we would do "family" things. I hadn't written an journal entry since that day. I had barely even left the house. When I would go out, I'd go out with Liam. Go see the city with him, have dinner with him, go shopping with him. But what's the point now?

Harry's been texting me almost every other day asking if I was alright or If I wanted to hang out. I felt bad that I wouldn't reply but I felt more bad for myself. If I hadn't hung out with Harry I wouldn't be in this situation right now. I'm not blaming him, I'm blaming myself. Besides, I didn't want to think about him at the moment. I didn't want to think about anything. I was just numb.

I felt like Juliet choosing to drink the potion and "die" than being disowned from her family. And in the end, Her and Romeo ended up dying. She should've just been disowned like I should've talk things out more with him before ending it. I felt that since I ended it he wouldn't want to get back with me if i asked. Besides, revealing our secret is still and always will be in the picture.

I was sitting on the couch in the family room on my laptop searing for universities When the doorbell rang. It was Saturday and Mr. and Mrs.Payne didn't have to go to work till 12:00. I was wearing black sweat pants and a old Paramore T-shirt. My hair was in a high ponytail, my glasses were hanging of the tip of my nose,-as I constantly had to push them up- and my legs were sprawled to the end of the love seat. The laptop was burning my thigh as I read about what some schools offered.

I wanted to be a journalist. It seemed quite cliche to me at that moment but I still wanted to do it. Ever since Harry asked me what I was going to do it gave me a reality check. I wasn't even sure where I even wanted to go. But I did know that I wanted a scholarship. I already knew Karen and Geoff were going to try to pay for it but I didn't want them to, they already did enough for me.

When the doorbell rang I didn't even flinch. I thought that it had to be for Karen or something. Plus, I was dressed like a slob. Karen walked pass me and made her way to the door. She squealed and swiftly opened the door.

"Oi! What are you doin' here? Come on in!" Karen said happily. I heard some indescribable words from the other person then Karen shouting, "Jasmine, someone's here to see you!"

Who came to see me? The only person I could think of his Harry.

I rested my laptop on the coffee table and sat up. Before walking to the front door I walked to the nearest mirror to take a look fix my hair. Once I took it out of my ponytail and combed through it with my fingers I set my glasses on the couch, straightened my shirt, and made my way to the door.

When I arrived at the door I was surprised to see the person asking for me.

"Hi, Gemma." I said slowly and surprisingly. Gemma smiled back from the porch. Karen smiled and left us alone. Why was she here? "You can come in." I offered.

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