Heart Headlock 2: The Secret (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction)

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Chapter: 1 - "Ecstatic for London"

Jasmine's P.O.V:

The room was brimming with impatient and excited people dying to get to their destination. Just like it was eight months from then. I, myself, was one of the excited people, almost aching to get to my destination. With Karen and Geoff in front of me, leading the way and Liam, right by my side, just as happy as I was.

I have to admit, I was a bit shocked when Liam asked to be my boyfriend. We did get closer between the months I mean, he did save me. He was my reason to live. I was so dead I just thought he was lying when he told me he loved me, like he just felt pity. But when I saw the tears. . And his promise. It made me believe.
I still wonder to this day why he hurted the one he loved, physically and emotionally. It just doesn't make complete sense.

I moved on from that time because I had never felt so happy, carefree, Alive. Liam and I are were couple. I never thought their would be a day when I would be living with Liam, liking Liam. . Kissing Liam. I just hated not telling Karen and Geoff. The guilt was slowly eating me. Liam and I agreed we weren't going to tell Karen about our relationship because we didn't want to break the "family" bond. It gets hard when you have the urge to kiss someone but you can't.

Liam and I had shared settle smiles to each other before we boarded the plane. London. London was our destination. I never had left Miami. The excitement burned through my brain. Two months of cool, cloudy atmosphere and new adventures to have. When Karen and her husband were scheduled to work in London for research they realised how long they would have to stay in a hotel room. Also, giving the thought on how much time they actually spend flying to London back to Miami and decided on buying a town house only minutes away from  NHNN. Liam and I were high school graduates so Karen was actually letting us go with them.

I walked into first class, my eyes wide and mouth agape. I wasn't expecting it to be my first experience on an airplane. I turned my head to Liam, emphasizing my expression. He nodded his head a smile plastered on his face, agreeing. I knew he has been in first class before and that he was just agreeing because he loved me. I smiled to myself, thinking about how sweet he was.

I placed my bag on the table next to my seat before actually sitting down and taking to notice how soft the fabric on the seat was. I closed my eyes before sighing in complete comfort and relief. Seconds later I reopened my eyes seeing Karen situating her section in front of me. It was a single row. Geoff in the front, Karen, Me, and Liam. Nine more hours and we will be landing in ol' England.


Three hours past while we were on the plane. Everyone was asleep except me. I wasn't writing in my journal or listening to music or reading no, I was thinking and feeling bit woozy. But I was thinking about London and all the possibilities and new adventures yet to come. I was so excited. I don't think I could've slept even if I wanted to.

I shut the mini light beside me before sighing heavily at the small bordem and light turbulance. I knew I needed to sleep but I couldn't. I felt like I had the first day of school tomorrow.

I began to hear faint noises. Small snoring. I grinned, knowing exactly where the noise is coming from. I lifted myself from my seat walking slowly the balls of my feet and making my way to Liam's section. His airy snores filling my ears. His eyelids closed and his mouth agape. I took the moment to adore his alluring features. His superlative jawline, his facial hair, the moles spotted on the top of  his eyebrow and left cheek. His tattoos. He was so cute.

I faintly whispered, "Liam. . ." With no response I called him louder the second time, placing my hand into his and shaking it softly. His eyes pried open, blinking swiftly after.

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