Happy 2017

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Ontario: we have been on this journey since the summer of 2015.

Quebec: time sure does fly.

Nova Scotia: fly like the Canadian goose?

Ontario: yes, Nova. Very good. *pats NS on the head*

Quebec: enough of this, let's announce our new years revolutions

Ontario: it's resolution. are you planning a revolution or is it just because English isn't your first language?

Quebec: uhhhhh.... Oui oui! je ne pas parle en anglais!!!

Ontario: oooookay....Let's get started then. Nova? You go first?

Nova Scotia: I am going to cut down on eating lobster.

PEI: I'm not going to read Anne of green gables for an entire year.

Ontario: I'm not going to insult Quebec's stupid little mole for a year.

Quebec: you just insulted it now!

Ontario: well, it's a stupid mole. It's in the way....

Nova: where exactly is this mole?

Quebec: shuttup!

Ontario: what's yours then?

Quebec: more exercise.

New Brunswick: laaaaame. I'm going to stay away from magnetic hill for the year no matter how tempting it gets.

Saskatchewan: I'm not killing a single prairie dog this year.

Alberta: I'm not going to wash my truck.

BC: I'm going to cut my weed consumption in half.

Manitoba: not a single complaint about the mosquitos from me. No way.

Newfoundland: no more kissing the mounted cod on me wall.

Ontario: okay, guys, you know the rules! Last one still standing wins. If you guys survive for an entire year, then we'll do the tie breaker next year. Got it?

Saskatchewan: wasn't this an episode of corner gas?

Alberta: shut up and eat your liquorice, Wanda.

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