The Provinces at a Screech In

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Newfoundland: is the screech in, has become one with the screech in, smells slightly fishy due to the screech in.

Nova Scotia: *plays fiddle for the fish and takes it on a date before kissing it.*

PEI: ten years later is married to the fish and has seven kids with it.

New Brunswick: *kisses the fish, shrugs, walks away. The fish did not help her decide whether she liked French or English better, but now she's craving Fries.*

Quebec: his cigarette wouldn't part from his lips long enough for him to do any fish kissing.

Ontario: ew! I'm too spoiled for this.

Alberta: just pretend it's your truck. Just pretend it's your truck. Just pretend it's your truck. Oh god it's squishy.

Saskatchewan: *the sprig of wheat in his mouth got in the way*

BC: I would rather have a blunt to my lips.

Manitoba: *throws the fish at Ottawa, resulting in a giant throw-fish-at-Ottawa party*

Newfoundland: *prays for his brethren*

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