The Canadian Legal System

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Did you know:
It's still illegal to drag a dead horse down Main Street in Ottawa past midnight?
(Correct me if I'm wrong)

Ontario: Quebec, this is the fifth time this week. It's bothering the citizens.

Quebec: *dragging dead horse* you're not the boss of me you scalope!

Ontario: I don't know what you said but it sounded awfully rood.

Quebec: fa te faire enculer!

Ontario: seriously, what are you doing with that horse?

Quebec: I'm performing sacrificial rituals with Manitoba to heighten my chances of becoming a country.

Ontario: it ain't gonna happen. You'll pussy out again, you nerd.

Nova Scotia: *emerges from Ontario's house, eating an apple*
What's all this ruckus about?

Quebec: *looks from Nova to Ontario*
Onnie, who is this? What's going on? Are you cheating on me?

Ontario: ???? This isn't what it looks like!

Quebec: *throws dead horse at ontario*

PEI: *also emerges from house eating an apple* this is so dramatic.

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