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"Are you sure I should wear this?" Sophia asked as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a black skinny jeans and a top with golden sparkles.

"Duh. Have you seen yourself? You're beautiful." Romy said, choosing shoes for her best friend. "Perfect." she whispered as she found the perfect pumps.

Sophia's eyes widened when she saw what Romy was holding. "I'm not going to wear that. We're going to a fair. Not prom. I can better wear my converse or vans." "It's only new year once a year." Sophia looked at Romy and wondered why she was still friends with that weirdo.

They're nothing alike. Romy likes to dress up when Sophia don't. Sophia likes to sit at him wearing sweats en an oversized sweater with her hair in a messy bun. She only wore wake up a few times a week, but definitely not everyday. Sophia loved reading which Romy didn't. She hated reading. She would only read if she really had to, but other than that she would barely touch a book.

"You look perfect, Sophia." Romy told her. "Guys won't be able to keep their eyes off of you." "Did you forget I hate attention?" "Did you forget you're hanging out with the Justin Bieber?" Romy mocked her. "I bet thousands of girls all around the world are talking about that mysterious girl who their Justin has been hanging out with lately and trying to figure out who she is." Sophia never really thought about it like that.

Justin was fun to hang out around with. You didn't even realize everyone knew who he was. How famous he actually was. Little did Sophia know that his fans were assuming that she was his new girlfriend.

Everywhere Sophia looked she saw familiar faces from people who went to school with her. Music was playing. People were dancing and laughing. They were all having a great time. Making memories they would probably end up forgetting anyway.

It was only 9:30pm and there were a lot of people already. "C'mon. Sarah is waiting for us." Romy said.

Sarah was Sophia's other best friend. They met in middle school when they were both 13. Sarah's that kind of girl who rather stays at home reading a book while other teenagers are out partying all night long. Her and Sophia could be twins.

Romy and Sophia met up with Sarah and just walked around talking and laughing. You know how best friends are.

They were having a good time when they saw someone who Sophia really didn't want to run into. He smirked when he saw her and walked up to her. Sophia groaned and looked away.

"You gotta be kidding me." she mumbled. "Hey babe." he said to her, still with that stupid smirk on his face. "What do you want, Cody?" "You." he simply replied. "And you know you want me too." "You wish." Sophia told him. An oh so familiar figure walked towards the little group. "Here you are." Luke said. "Where were you? I was looking for you. I thought you had ditched me." "Saying hello to my girlfriend." Cody winked at Sophia. "Dude! You're talking about my sister here. You know she hates you." "Romy also hates you, yet you keep on flirting with her. " he argued. "Okay. Bye guys!" Romy quickly said and pushed her friends away before the boys could say anything.

Sophia was looking at Sarah. "When are you finally going to admit that you like Cody?" she asked her. "I don't have a crush on anyone." Sarah lied. "You're lying." Romy replied. "Am not." "Are to."

The three best friends could tell when one of them was lying. Sarah had have a crush on Cody for a year now. She just liked everything about him, but she knew she had to be careful around him, because he was a so called player.

"You're just in denial." Sophia said. "We both see how you look at him." Romy continued. "Okay. Fine. Yeah I like him. " Sarah finally admitted, getting pissed off by her friends. "But it's not like anything will happen, because he's a player." "You don't know that. Don't judge a book by its cover." Sarah glared at Romy. "That's exactly what you do with Luke." "That's not true! I have known Luke since I was 7 years old. We used to be like best friends." Romy argued back. "Guys! We are not going to fight today. Let's find some cute boys and make them our boyfriends." Sophia suggested.

Romy looked behind Sophia and smirked. "Speaking of boyfriends. Yours is right there." Sophia turned around. "Justin is not my boyfriend." she denied as she was facing her friends again. "But you can't deny you two kissed." "Yeah, because someone found it funny to hang up a mistletoe in my house." Sophia glared at Romy. "You did not!" Sarah said surprised trying not to laugh. She didn't know what Romy had done. "I did and it helped. I'm actually proud of myself."

Sarah and Romy started laughing. Sophia was annoyed by them, but she secretly thanked Romy for putting up that mistletoe. Because if she didn't, she probably would have never gotten the chance to kiss Justin.


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When two worlds collide...
By Bieberworld_x

When two worlds collide // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now