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"I still don't understand why you help your brother so much." Romy, Sophia's best friend, said as they entered the cafeteria. Sophia sighed and sat down. "Well like you said. He's my brother and he would do the same for me." she told her. Romy looked over at Luke who was sitting a few tables away with his friends. "And you really think that dumbass would do that for you?" Romy looked back at Sophia who was giving her look. "What? It's true." Romy shrugged.

Romy has been Sophia's best friend since they can remember. But for some reason Luke and Romy never got along. They hated each other. "Why do you dislike my brother?" Sophia asked her. "Remember when he pushed me in the pool and he knew I couldn't swim?" Sophia remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was a hot summer day. The sun was shining and the three of them were playing outside. Just having fun like always. They were running away from each other since they were splashing each other with water. Luke accidentally pushed Romy in the pool and since then she didn't like Sophia's brother anymore. He apologized a hundred times but that didn't work. "Romy, that was 10 years ago. Get over it." Sophia told her. "I still hate him for that." "You can't hate him forever." "I can." "Whatever you say." Sophia mumbled.

The bell rang and everyone went to their class. "I hate math." Romy complained as she sat down next to her best friend. Luke walked into the class room and smirked when he was Romy. Romy groaned and turned away. "Hey baby." his voice rang in her ears. She looked at him. He was sitting right in front of her. "Don't call me babe ever again." "Whatever you want." he looked at her for a second. "Babe." he smirked, winking and turned back around. "I'm gonna kill him." Romy hissed. "You're talking about my brother here. You know he's messing with you." Sophia told her. Luke really loved messing with Romy. She says she hates him, but in fact she doesn't. She has a crush on her best friend's brother, but unfortunately he's a player and flirts with every single girl that walks by.

"What should I get Luke?" Sophia asked Romy as they were walking around in the mall. "A pack of condoms." She hit her best friend's arm. "Ouch." She said rubbing it. "Romy." She warned her. "What? At least he won't make babies then!" Sophia glared at Romy. "Okay. Fine. I'll stop." Everyone at school knew that Luke was the biggest player and flirt, but there were still girls so foolish to believe that he actually liked them. He had something that made every girl fall for him. They just couldn't resist him. "I'll just buy him a videogame." "Like you do every year." "Do you know anything better? And it's better than nothing." Sophia said. Romy's phone started ringing. "It's my mom. She's here to pick me up. She says it's important." The two best friends said goodbye and separated their ways.

A few screams were heard making Sopia turn around. "You gotta be kidding me." she groaned and walked into a different direction than the hysterical girls. She wanted to be as far away as possible from these girls.

She bought a videogame for her brother. She was looking around what she could buy her best friend when someone pushed her causing her to almost fall. "I'm sorry." a voice said. Sophia closed her eyes. The first thought that came to her mind was; you gotta be kidding me.


It would really mean a lot to me if you voted and commented. This story is actually already finished, so the updates will be regularly like twice a week or something. I worked really hard on this. I've been writing it for months. So please vote and leave a comment!

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When two worlds collide...
By Bieberworld_x

When two worlds collide // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now