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Sophia didn't know the answer to that. Why didn't she like him? Was it because he was so popular? Or was it because he thought every single girl in this world loved him? She didn't know. But there was something about him that she couldn't let go.

After looking at him for a few minutes she finally found the right words to say.

"You know, hate is such a strong word." she started, repeating her best friend's words. "I don't really hate you. I just don't like you." Sophia simply said. "Why?" "You really want to know what I think of you? I'm just a stranger to you." "Yes, I really do." he told her.

Sophia sighed and sat back in her seat. Justin was getting impatient. He was determined to find out what she was thinking of him. Why? He had absolutely no idea. Maybe it was the feeling he got when they met or maybe it was her beauty or maybe that spark in her eyes. But there was something about her that he couldn't let go.

"You think every single girl likes you and that you can make them fall for you by just one look." She finally said. "But not every girl is one of those crazy Beliebers and also you think you're perfect. You think you're better than everyone else, but you're not at all." she told him as she looked at him.

Justin looked down. He hated that everyone judged him without even knowing what was really going on or without knowing what really happened. He hated it that people who didn't even know the real him talked about him like they did.

"People only see the bad and never the good." Justin whispered, looking everywhere but Sophia. She waited for him to continue. She wanted to know what he was thinking. What was on his mind? "People just like you." he breathed out, but this time looking at the girl sitting in front of him. "They think my life is easy. That I don't have problems and worries. But I do. I love performing. I love making people happy. But it's hard though."

"What do you mean? You have everything you want. Fame. Money." Sophia didn't understand it. He had money, fame and a family. What else did he want? "Everything but privacy." he corrected her. "I don't have a normal life. I never will. I've been in the spotlights since I was 15. I've never had the chance to be a normal teenager. I've never been able to go out without these annoying paps following me everywhere." Justin sighed and continued. "I'm under a lot of pressure. They're watching me and they're waiting for me to fail, to make a mistake. They don't realize how hard this life is. If it wasn't for my fans, I probably would have stopped a long time ago. But they tell me I saved their lives. That keeps me going. Those little things make me realize that I can't give up. They mean everything to me."

Sophie listened to every word he said. She didn't expect it to be this hard. She didn't know he felt this way. It must not be easy to live a life like his. That day Sopia gained respect for Justin.


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When two worlds collide...
By Bieberworld_x

When two worlds collide // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now