W h y Do I Do This To Myself

37 6 15


As it says in the title


Why do I do this to myself?????

I've gotten inspired to do a drawing thing


Here are the two lists you can choose from (cuz I wanna be difficult and I can't choose just one ok):

{Full Body; Well, half more like}

{Full Body; Well, half more like}

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{ Just facial expressions}

{ Just facial expressions}

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Yeah go on and choose

{ You can put either letter then number; or number then letter. But specify which list you're choosing from XD}

CHARACTERS {currently the ones I'm hooked on; and yes,they're women bc I haven't practiced on men  r i p}:

• Dakaria Hex

• SW!Dani

• Paloma Castelda

• Hunter!Dani

• Katiya Lansky

( there are probably more I'm hooked on but  but that's as much as I can name off the top of my head  r i p)

Soooo ye

That's it

{ H E L P  M E }

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