It's Underwear Not Some Lacey Disease

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You sat quietly at the kitchen table,eating cherrios as the only background noise was the large clock on the wall ticking away.It was Sunday and normally you'd be at church or out with friends but today,you had no intentions of doing anything at an early pace.It was eleven in the morning and you finally finished your breakfast and went to clean the dishes.Your dad had left to get supplies for some project he was working on in the garden,because he was obsessed with nature and making sure it looked the prettiest it could.Thats the reason the backyard looked like the Garden of Eden.

You walked upstairs and changed into whatever was laying on your dresser.Surprisingly it matched AND smelled clean which wasnt a normal thing.Usually you tossed your clothes wherever when you went to shower so sometimes they made their way back to your dresser.

After grabbing your purse,phone, and car keys you walked out to your Jeep and headed out towards the mall.You played (favorite band/artist) and rolled down the window,enjoying the nice breeze and warm air.

It was almost summer and oddly breezy but you refused to complain.

You reached the mall around one in the afternoon and aimlessly wondered around shops for a hour.You ended up inside Victoria Secret which was slightly odd cause you didn't really come here.Regarless of your less then frequent visits,you still left with a few pairs of new underwear and some bras.

Your eyes made contact with the pretzel shop a few stores down and the smell of delicious buttery pretzels made you appear next in line for one.Food was like a horrible habit to you.But you didnt really care,it tasted too good to regret.

After getting your pretzel you sat down on a bench near the pretzel shop an ate your (favorite flavor) pretzel.Your bag was sitting beside you and your attention was focused on the people walking around.

One person caught your attention more then anyone thouoriA head of black hair,cut on the sides and a mop of brown curls.Eyes met eyes and the next thing you knew,Percy and Leo were squeezing beside you on both sides of your bench.Well,sort of.Percy was blocked slightly by your bag.

"Hello Money Bags"Percy said and you just ignored him.

"Wassup Y/n?"Leo asked and looked at you.

"Nothing,just shopping.What are you here for?"

Obviously shopping,you thought and mentally face palmed.

"Came to return some shirts I bought.Turns out,blue isnt my color."he laughed quietly.

"Ive told you that before,when will you listen?"

"Probably when Im broke"he said and you were about to respond before your Victoria Secret bag made its way flying to the floor.

You picked it up then turned to look at Percy who had a horrified expression on his face.

"What the heck,you idiot?"you half yelled at him.

"Ew."was all he said as he slightly shuddered.

You pulled one of the pair of underwear from the bag and held it for him to see.

"Its underwear not some lacey disease"you stated and he just made a gagging face.Rolling your eyes you put it back in the bag and thew away your trash.

Honestly,you'd think with Percy's bad boy reputation that he's seen alot of girls underwear.I mean,you just would.But surprisingly,since we are both friends with Leo,I found out that Percy doesnt do one night stand kind of things with girls.Sure he could date a few a month but thats the majority of his romance when it comes to his notorious bad boy aura.

You grabbed your purse and headed towards the entrance before Leo grabbed your wrist,causing you to look down at him.

"What?Not gonna join me with my shopping?"he joked.

"Not with him"you getured to Percy who just smirked at you.Moron.

"Come on,please?Pretty please?"he half whined the last part in a begging manner.With that,you caved.

"Fine..."you sighed.Sometimes Leo was too cute for his own good.

"Stop touching it!" And for the third time you slapped Percy's hand away from a small turtle that was in a cage.

Somehow,the three of you ended up in a pet store in the mall.While Leo was admiring the exotic birds,you were trying to keep Per-ass from harming this small turtle that looked petrified.

"But its adorable"he said looking at it.

"Dont.Touch.It"you said in a more authoritive and Percy sighed.

"Youre no fun Y/L/N"

"Whatever."you looked down at your watch.Its six fifteen and you have to be home by seven for movie night with Thalia and Annabeth who were coming over.

"I gotta go,Ill text you later"you told Leo as you hugged him.

He nodded and as you pasted Percy you heard him say,"What?No goodbye kiss?"

You used every cell in your body to resist the urge of slapping him across his face.You walked out of the mall,packed your bags in your car and headed home.

This trip took longer then expected

My Lifegaurd{Perseus Jackson}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora