Country Club

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You sat next to your best friends Thalia and Annabeth in the class you dreaded most,History.Specifically Greek History.Why did you hate it so much?It was boring and frustrating beacuase it made no sense to you.Athena,Aphrodite,whatever.Thalia,on the other hand,loved this class.Her family was Greek so she took a huge liking to it since...forever I guess.Only reason Annabeth did also was because of the old architecture.Makes sense,her parents are both well-known architects.

Thats how you two met,her parents designed your dad's house.

You met Thalia in third grade when she kicked Leo Valdez in the Tarderus region for calling her a witch.

Speaking of the devil,you watched as Leo threw a piece of paper at your desk then turn in his seat like nothing ever happened.The note read:

"Did the rich chic hear that Im gonna be her new lifegaurd?Now you can check me out everyday;)"

You blushed slightly and rolled your eyes.When you looked back up at Leo a small smirk played along his lips as he watched you from the corners of his eyes.You stuck your tongue out at him and looked away.

The thing between you and Leo was that you two have always been best friends ever since he moved into your neighborhood when he was five.Both of you had massive crushes on each other in middle school and were aware of the others feelings.When highschool came along you both ended up losing the affections but kept up this flirty kind of friendship as a joke.

Your crumpled the paper back up and tossed it at his head of dark curls.It bounced off his head onto his lap as your teacher,Mr.Zeus(Thalia's father),looked over.You quickly turned your attention away avoiding Mr.Zues glare at Leo.


You were walking to the country club with Annabeth and Leo.They both tried to beg you to take your limo your dad sent every day to pick you up from school,but you denied and told them Leo needed to burn off all those cheese sticks hes been eating.

"Fuck you and your unhealthy eating,Leo"Annabeth grumbled as she walked at your left.

Leo laughed,"Not everyone wants to be a vegan Ann,look how it changed you.So mean"

"Please she was always this rude"you joked.

"I hate you two"

"We love you too"you and Leo said in unison as you walked through the gates of Olympus,your dad's country club.Your father co-owns this place alongside Mr.Zues and Annabeth's family is allowed to come for doing such a perfect job on everything when they made it.


"THE Percy Jackson?"Annabeth asked as she changed in the stall next to yours.

"Thats the one...sadly.That lil S.O.B is gonna make this day so hard."

"Well atleast itll help that Leo's here,right?"Annabeth joke as you both exited your stalls.She had changed to a grey top,blue bottom bikini and you wore a (f/c) high waisted two piece and your (fave band/artist) t shirt over it.

"Oh shut up Ann." You both walked out just in time to see Leo do a double flip off the diving board into your pool.He landed in cannon ball form and swam out.He was wearing bright orange and black swim trunks and he shook his head,flicking water everywhere as he walked over to you both.

"So if Percy doesnt arrive I get the job right?"Leo asked looking at you.

"Probably.That or Annabeth but she didnt sign up"

"Sorry im not interested in dragging a bunch of fat-asses out of a pool"She said as she watched Leo mess with his hair.

See,Leo and Percy are actually close friends.Hes the one guy that Leo hangs with that you cannot tolerate.Why?Percy is like Half-Blood High's bad boy.One sarcastic,annoying,does-what-he-wants-when-he-wants ass-hole.He's so rude and full of shit and after I told Leo how I felt,he no longer hangs out with both of us at once.

You listened to Annabeth and Leo talk about if narwhals really exist and eventually the gates opemed again,revealing the lil hell of a human you loath.Perseus Jackson.

My Lifegaurd{Perseus Jackson}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin