Lucy was aware of the whole plan that Lauren had, but she was right when she told Lauren to ice her ankle to help it heal.

"You did this" Lauren whispered as she glared at Lucy who put her hands up in surrender.

"Whatcha gonna do? Come and chase me? Oh wait.. you can't!" Lucy smirked as she burst out laughing at Lauren who was giving her a death glare.
Camila also listened in, and laughed along with Lucy.

"You guys are rude" Lauren huffed as she playfully rolled her eyes at both of them.

"Anyways. I gotta go. I-uh, I haveadate." Lucy said, quickly mumbling the last part.

"What? I can't hear you" Lauren said, putting a hand up to her ear, and gestured for Lucy to repeat her last sentence.

"I said I have to go" Lucy retorted, avoiding the obvious question.

"Nuh uh, the last part" Lauren pushed on,

"I have a date alright!" Lucy huffed in annoyance as she glared back at Lauren, who had a satisfied smile on her face.

"I know. I heard you the first time" Lauren teased, getting back at her friend. "Wait, is it with Vero?"


"Anyways, I gotta go. Nice talking to you Camila! Sorry for interrupting your conversation with this loser" Lucy said, greeting Camila goodbye and waving at Lauren.


"She's nice" Camila said, feeling foolish that she was jealous of her before. No one could separate Lauren and Camila. They loved each other too much. Besides, her doubts were all proven wrong when she saw that Lauren and Lucy were only friends.

"See? Now you can't come to prom Laur" Camila said, and even though Camila was hiding her face through the FaceTime call, Lauren knew that her girlfriend was pouting.

"I know, I'm so sorry babe" Lauren played it off, knowing that she would 100% be there at Camila's prom. She wanted to make it a surprise from the start, and even though she had injured her ankle, she wasn't going to let that stop her. Besides, the doctor said it would take about a week for her ankle to heal, and prom was a few weeks away.

"It's okay. It's not like you planned for this to happen. I'll just go with the girls" Camila said, not wanting Lauren to feel too bad about that unfortunate fact.

"I really am sorry Camz" Lauren acted out in all seriousness, lacing her voice in sadness and trying very hard to not break her character.

"It's okay Laur. I'm not mad" Camila said, immediately feeling guilty about making Lauren feel upset.

"You sure?" Lauren asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Positive. Now go ice your ankle before I start yelling at you again" Camila ordered as she gestured towards the ice pack on Lauren's bedside table.

"Yes Mom." Lauren responded with a playful eye roll aimed towards her girlfriend.


"Dinah? I need a picture of Camila's prom dress" Lauren spoke through the phone.

"Wh-what? Do you have any idea what time it is?! You just woke me up" Dinah huffed in annoyance as she groaned.

"Yes, it's noon. It isn't my fault you were still asleep" Lauren laughed at her best friend's laziness. She thought that Dinah would be all up and awake by now, but then she remembered that it was Dinah that she was talking about. Dinah could sleep all day if she wanted to.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways, what did you want again?" Dinah questioned as she blinked her eyes to help herself feel more awake.

"A picture of Camila's prom dress. I need you to get one for me" Lauren said.

"Wait why? I thought you broke your ankle so you're not coming anymore?" Dinah said with confusion laced in her voice.

"I didn't actually break my ankle. It was just a slight sprain which is already getting better. I wanna surprise Camz" Lauren explained, continuing on with the conversation and filling Dinah in on the plan.

"Awe Camren is gonna be matching at prom. My ship is the best" Dinah said proudly as she nodded her head in satisfaction.

"So you'll do it?" Lauren asked excitedly thinking about what her girlfriend's reaction would be like.

"Of course I'll do it idiot! I'm the captain of the Camren ship and I gotta help make it sail" Dinah explained, as if it were completely obvious that she was going to help.

"Thanks Dinah. And remember, don't tell Camz. You have a tendency of blabbing about everything to her." Lauren said sternly, seriously wanting this to go smoothly without Camila finding out.


"Do you want me to tell Mani and Ally?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah that would be great. Make sure they don't tell Camz either okay? I'm trusting you Dinah" Lauren spoke in all seriousness.

"Yeah yeah I got you Ralph. Don't worry about it" Dinah said dismissively as she tried to calm Lauren down. "Mission: Prom best night ever is in place"

My Other Half (Camren)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant