[10]Start of a Journey

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Bulbasaur:Yeah Vulpix is right,just count on us okay Ash😃?

Ash:I appreciated it you two,go home for now then meet me at my house😃

The two pokemon nodded and headed to their homes to tell their parents the good news.

Pikachu:Those two really want come with us huh Ash😕?

Ash:Yeah and I'm happy that they want to come with us,if they not then our journey will be kinda lonely right Pikachu😃!!

Pikachu:Yeah you're right Ash, come on let's continue our training😊

Ash:(sigh)Okay,Pikachu "Volt Tackle"😐

3 hours later

Ash and Pikachu is at training in the mountains,They eat their lunch that Raichu packed for them.

Ash:(Bite)you know Pikachu your mom is a great cook even though she is a pokemon😆

Pikachu:You just notice that right now,dude she been cooking our food for about 10 years😕

Ash:Really!!,I never notice that before,I really didn't watch them cook so I don't know who cook it hehehe😮!!

Pikachu:You are dense and stupid Ash🙎

Ash:Hey what's that supposed to mean😣?

Pikachu:Nothing really😑(bite)

Ash:Just eat up,so we can continue our training😐

Ash just finished his last sandwich and stood up to breathe some fresh air.

Ash:Okay time to train again,come on Pikachu stand up,we need to get going😐

Pikachu:Alright alright I get it Ash😑

Pikachu also stood up  and climb into Ash shoulder and they headded off to train again.

2 hours later

Ash and Pikachu got home exhausted don't want to stand up for little longer and sleep all night.

Arceus:Goodness what happened to you two?,did you get attacked by an wild pokemon😱?

Raichu:Or fall to a cliff or-----😦

Ash:Nothing bad happened to us just really exhausted for all the training that we did right Pikachu😑!!

Pikachu upsidedown on Ash shoulder half asleep.

Pikachu:Huh? Yeah whatever he said😑

Arceus:Jeez you two can't hold yourself,your journey is tomorrow so better rest early okay😰!!

Ash:Nope not sleepy(yawn)still can go on (zzzzzzzzzzzz)😴

When Ash got near the couch he suddenly fall down and instantly fall asleep with Pikachu still in his shoulder.

Arceus:(sigh)these two never learn😩

Raichu:Well at least they fall a sleep together,let's just leave them there together😃

Arceus:okay,Oh yeah (teleported camera) let's take their pictures together like old times😄

Raichu:Great idea😊

For few minutes the two mother's take their son's pictures and put it into a album for good times.

The Next Morning

Ash and Pikachu is still asleep when Arceus teleported a bucket of water and pour it into them instantly waking them up.

Ash:Ahhhhhhh what the?,Mom😨!!

Pikachu:Ahhhhh water is there a flood?,let's evacuate😨

Arceus:Pffff Hahahahaha you two are so adorable when suddenly wet while sleeping😄

Ash:Grrrrr not funny Mom😬!!

Pikachu:Well it is funny Ash😅!!

Ash:Pikachu are you taking her side😠?

Pikachu:Ahhh Ehhhh😅!!

The Two best friends finished their breakfast and organized their equipment for the journey.

Ash:Okay all packed up,Ready Pikachu😃?

Pikachu:Ready as always Ash😃

Ash look behind him and ask the two female pokemon.

Ash:What about you two😃?

Vulpix:We ready Ash,just lead the way😄

Bulbasaur:Let's go already😆

Ash:Okay we ready,Mom can you opened up a portal to the Kanto Region😃

Arceus:(sniff)Okay Ash Take care,don't talk to strangers and always change your underwea--😭

Ash:Okay mom I get it😐

Arceus:Okay Good luck Honey,Win the League😄

Ash:(smile)I'm on it Mom😃

Ash and his pokemon walked towards the newly opened portal and go through it leaving his mom crying with her hands near her chest.

Arceus:(sob)Good luck Ash😊

[Ash good ahead and be the champion you always was.Become the greatest Pokemon Trainer of all time].

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