[2]New Island Home

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[Quick info guys In the incoming chapters Ash will meet Gary in a camp that Prof.Oak organized.that's where Ash also meet Serena,so better tune in for the rest of this chapter guys].

Arceus teleported in the Hall of Origins exhausted,she then immediately headed to her son room where three Regi pokemon is still standing guard.

Arceus:Great work guys,you can all go back now

Regice:Understood Milady.Call us again if you want and we immediately response to your call.

Arceus:I appreciated,Now Return!

Arceus teleported back the three Regi pokemon and transformed into her human form.

Arceus:Now to check my adorable little one!!

Arceus quickly opened Ash room only to saw him playing with his toys inside his crib.

Arceus:Ohhh so cute!!,Are you having fun my sweety!!

Ash:Mama!! Mama!!

Arceus:Ohh did you miss me?,sorry it take so long but let mommy take you to our new home!!

Arceus carried baby Ash into her arms and also grabbed Ash Baby stuff,then the two of them teleported into the island that Arceus created.

Arceus:We here!!,Home sweet home,Do you like it Ash?

Ash immediately smiled and laugh excitedly when Arceus floated above island letting her son see all the parts of the island.

Arceus:See that!,That's our mansion and that,that's your playground,when you grown up a liitle you can play there as much if you want.

Then Arceus floated down heading to small forest where many kind of friendly pokemon lived.

Arceus:And here,this is where you meet your new friends,I know you should have human friends instead of pokemon but you will learn how to talk to them and understand them that all humans can't and you will also learn to they lived.

Ash just innocently waved his baby hands to the pokemon who lived in the forest below them.

Arceus:Everyone can I have all of your attention please!!

Every pokemon who lived in the forest heard Arceus and immediately came out in the open field and curiously wait for what Arceus is about to say.

Shiftry:Oh its our Mistress,she going to announce something important to us.

Rattata:Why is she in her Human form Shiftry?

Shiftry:I don't know young one!

As every pokemon in the entire island gathered to Arceus location.A flock of Pidgeys,Pidgeottos and their leader Pidgeot immediately came to where Arceus is and waited for her announcement.

Pidgeot:My Mistress its an honour to meeting you again!!

Arceus:and to you Pidgeot,How's guarding the entire island?

Pidgeot:its perfectly peaceful my mistress,and its all thanks to your power.

Arceus:oh please stop,I just want a peaceful and safe place where my son grow up.

Pidgeot:Son?, You have a son?

Arceus:Yup,and here he is,my little adorable Ash!

Arceus excitedly showed Pidgeot Ash who just smiled at Pidgeot and touched his beak.

Pidgeot:A human?,that's a surprise, I thought you hated the humans my mistress?

Arceus:Well I used to,but everything change when I found my Ash here who just abandoned by his mother in a cave.

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