[14]Night Time in Viridian

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2 hours later after Ash and Misty reunion

Ash introduced Misty to Leaf and Pikachu in the lobby who both staring Misty suspiciously.

Ash:Well that's how we meet,any questions?😃

Leaf raises her right arm while still looking at Misty suspiciously.

Ash:Okay Leaf,What's your question?😃

Leaf:(cough)💢Well I clearly understand how both of you meet but the one thing I clearly not understand is Why she coming along on our journey,tell me Ash?😒

Ash:Well Misty said She and her sister back home got into argument about being not strong enough to become one the of the gym leaders,so she decided to go along with our journey until she became a strong water type trainer.😃

. . . . . . . . . . .(awkward silent)⏳

Leaf face is just blank until Pikachu accidentally coughed causing Leaf to speak again.

Leaf:Wait,she said gym leaders,that means!😲

Ash:Yeah she and her sisters are Cerulean city gym leaders😃

Ash got punched by Misty playfully because of what he said about her.

Leaf:Wow your a gym leader at this age,I'm impress😆

Misty:No dont be,I'm not that great,my sisters did throw me out of the gym,so I think im still a weak trainer😅

Ash smiled and patted Misty head causing her to look up at Ash who still smiling.💞

Ash:Don't worry Misty,we going to show them how you improved in just a couple of weeks and of course I'm the one who be teaching you how to be strong😊

Leaf:What?,Ash you can that?😧



Ash:Don't worry about the details,just do your best Misty😃

Misty:I try Ash😃

Leaf:Well that over with,let's go and have some dinner,because I am hungry😃

Pikachu:Pika Pika!!(Yay Dinner Time)🙌

Ash:Yeah I'm kinda hungry too,let's go😃

Ash and the girls came out of the center and started to look for some cafe or dinehere😐

Few hours later

Ash came out of the center in the night to go sight seeing around the city while the girls stayed at their room.🌃

He wander through the street at night passing by many stores and people.🏪🏬🏫🏦🏥🏤🏣🏢

Ash:Ehhh!,even in the night the city is lively😐

Ash stop walking when he spot a interesting store,it sell some odd costumes and suits like Pikachu outfit,Astronaut, you named it.🏬

Ash:Well since while I'm here,may as well buy something I guess!😐

Ash came inside the store and a girl who look like at same age of him came closely in front of him.

Nanami:Welcome Sir to our shop,How can I help you?😄

Ash:I---Uh!!....I'm just here look some interesting outfit,can you help me find some?😅

Nanami:Why of course!,Follow me,I show you our most variable outfit here in this store😄

Ash smiled and follow the girl clerk to a secluded room where he saw many kinds of outfits in their mannequin,he look around and spotted the most interesting one.

Legendary TrainerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora