Chapter 1: Back to School

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Authors Note:

YAY! THE FIRST PAGE TO MY FIRST BOOK!!! :D  I can just tell already i'm gonna have so much fun writing this ^-^! Oh yeah I rated this book PG-13 cause of Megan's potty mouth *teehee*.  anyway like I said before this is my first book so plz no hate comments.

OH and i wanna say a HUGE GIGANTIC MEGA SUPER ULTRA AWESOME thank you to my boss friend Kayci for helping me discover wattpad!! LUV UU! XD

The Picture is of Megan's crush, Hunter.

Thats all for now! ENJOY   (*≧▽≦)

Oh Shit.  Well this is just perfect.  It was my first day back from summer vacation, and guess who didn't even touch her homework?  I sighed, why is it that I only ever remember my homework on the day that its due? My history teacher, Mrs. Johnson was kind enough to send us away with 3 booklets of homework and i swear that each of them, if you dropped them from high enough,  could make a dent in the pavement.

  I closed my locker and started heading towards history class, hoping that if I annoyed Salle, the smart  asian girl in my class, she'd give me the answers.

  Man, if i could get away with this, then I'll be able to say I spent my summer vacation completly homework free!  Just the thought of bragging about it made me happy, then I looked at my watch. Dream shattered. HOLY SHIIIIITT!! Where did all the time go?!   It's only 3 minutes till 8:00!!  How the hell am I going to make it?! 

"oh man, Miss Johnson's gonna lock me outta class!"

Miss Johnson, theres a word for people like her, what was it again?  Oh yeah, EVIL.  As soon as the bell rings, she locks the classroom door and makes whoevers late stand out in the hallway for the WHOLE CLASS!  And the worst thing about Miss Johnson is that she ABSOLUTELY HATES ME!  She's probably waiting for the day she gets to lock me out.  To bad for her that thats NEVER going to happen!

I started to sprint towards homeroom.  This is were those two years of track and field that were so graceiously forced upon me will hopefully pay off.

"Who the fucks *pant*  brilliant idea *pant* was it *pant* to put our *wheeze* lockers *gasp*  on the first floor *hack*  and all our *some other ungodly sound*  classrooms on the 3rd?!"

I finally got to the 3rd set of stairs and as I climbed them and rushed through the hallyways (knocking over at least three people in the process), I could see history class at the end of the hallyway. " YES!!, I'm gonna make it with a minute to spare!"  

I was just about to burst through the door, when some idiot in the classroom in front of mine, decided that this would be a good moment to come walking out .  I smashed into them, completly knocking them over and onto the ground.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry I-" Was all I managed to get out before going into complete shock when I discovered who I had knocked over. 

JACKSON REED!!?? THE SCHOOL DELINQUENT!? Not good.  I'd heard things about him before.  He'd gotten arrested on multiple occasions before for everything from robbing grocery stores to street fights.  Everyone in my school was afraid of him and knowed by now to steer clear of him.

" Watch were your going dumbass" he pushed me off of him and glared at me,"Your lucky I don't smash you head into the concrete right now for attacking me like that".  

I wanted to say something back to him, anything, but my mouth wasn't forming words.  All I could do is watch from the ground as he stood up and loomed over me, giving me the sadistic smirk he was known for.  

Behind him, I could see Miss Johnson getting up to close the classroom door.  It was all over, I was going to be locked outside of history and left in the hallway, with Jackson Reed!  Just as the door was closing, someone slid their foot between the door.

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