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Keanna's pov
A few weeks later (after Bella and Edwards wedding)

I was pacing around the house when Jasper suddenly picked me up. He brought me out side and said "stop." I sighed and said "jazz, kissed me and said "everything is going to be fine." I crossed my arms and said "how?" "Because we have each other." I rolled my eyes and said "Jasper, that's not what I meant." He put his forehead against mine and said "I know but that's all I can give you right now..." I nodded. Jasper said "and stop fiddling with your necklace it's not going to help." I put my arms around his neck and said "I know... I'm scared Jazz," he nodded and said "I know you are. You have every right to be." I closed my eyes and relaxed into Jasper's arms. He sighed and hugged me to him. He picked me up and carried me back inside. When we got to our room I said "Alice said Jake was coming over tomorrow..." Jasper sighed and said "the wolves will know..." I nodded and said "I'll head over first thing in the morning-" Jasper growled and said "no." I looked into his eyes to see he wasn't Jasper anymore. The major said "your not going back there." I crossed my arms and said "major." The major put his hand on my cheek and said "I can't loose you." "You won't. I have to speak to my grandmother before-" "I don't care your not going." He put me on the bed and went to the porch. I sighed and got under the covers "Jasper?" He turned and looked at me his eyes they're natural gold. He looked down again. I sighed and said "goodnight." He didn't say anything didn't even look at me. I sighed and fell asleep.

(The next morning)

I woke up to no jasper... his side of the bed wasn't even touched. I sighed and walked downstairs... no Jasper. I rolled my eyes and walked out side and up to the main house. I saw everyone but Jasper... I looked over to Edward who sighed and said "he went hunting." I scoffed and said "or he's trying to avoid me." Edward looked down. I sighed and said "I'm heading over to the Rez." He wants to play that game then fine. Two can play that game. Edward sighed. I called my dad to come pick me up. As you've probably guessed I haven't changed in a long time.... ok it's only been a few weeks but still. I saw dad across the river and walked up to him. Dad bent down and I got on. I've grown a little so I'm now 5'0 but still it's something. Once we got home I walked into the house to see all my annoying 'brothers' Seth, Clair, and Emily. Clair ran up to me and said "auntie Anna!" I smiled and hugged the small girl. Embry hugged me and said "I missed you little sis." I smiled and said "I missed you to fluffy." He rolled his eyes at me. I gave Emily a hug and ran up to my room and grabbed my camera. I took a picture of embry and Clair. Dad and Emily. The guys. Seth took my camera and took a picture of me with the guys. Then one of me and dad. That's when a howl was heard through the woods. Mom and Paul were on patrol. Everyone ran out of the house leaving me and Emily. I said "I'm going to grandma's I'll see you later Emily," I hugged her and said "I hope you know I'm not picking sides..." she gave me a confused look. I sighed and ran out. I ran to grandma's and inside. Her and Billy were talking. I said "I can't fight this battle and I'm not going to help them kill my fiancé and his family so I have to leave." Grandma said "Keanna, what do you mean?" I sighed and said "Bella's pregnant... that's the war Alice saw and now it's going to happen... I can't fight my family or my imprint... I'm going to stay with my friend and help her deliver the baby but that doesn't mean I'm choosing a side... tell them I'm not choosing between them... please..." I ran out side and ran all the way to the Cullen's with my camera still in hand. When I got there I walked up stairs and said "the wolves know..." Rose said "you were with them?" I gave her my camera and then left the main house ignoring Jasper as I did so. I walked into the woods and into the house but before I could go to our bed room I heard Jasper say "are you okay?" I nodded and said "fine." Jasper sighed and said "why did you go?" I rolled my eyes and said "because they're still my family." "They could have hurt you." I shook my head and said "not as much as you've already have." And walked upstairs closing the door. I leaned against it and put my head in my hands. There was a light nock on the door "Anna, can I come in?" "Go away Jasper..." I heard him sigh and say "I didn't mean to upset you... just talk to me please?" I stayed quiet. Jasper said "I know your in there... I can hear you breathing." He chuckled a little and said "I'm sorry I was avoiding you this morning..." I sniffed and said "that's not what I'm upset about." "Y-your not upset about me avoiding you?" "Well I am but... I'm upset about something bigger then that..." "can you open the door so we can talk?" I stood up and opened the door. Jasper walked into the room and said "why are you upset?" I looked down and said "I forgave you the minute the Major came out and you didn't did you?" He looked down. I said "that's why I'm upset Jasper... you were so upset with your self that you didn't even lay down with me... I actually like having your arms around me if you hadn't noticed." Jasper put his hand on my cheek and said "I'm sorry... I was scared that he would come back out and hurt you... I didn't want to risk it." I kissed his lips and said "I know... but he wouldn't hurt me we both know that." Jasper sighed and put his forehead on mine... I smiled and said "I missed you so much last night..." he smiled and said "I was watching you sleep." I rolled my eyes and said "from where?" He pointed to a chair that was next to the window. I hugged him and said "i love you." "I love you too." We said our saying and I fell asleep.

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