20 - Something Else Entirely

Start from the beginning

"Jasper," I corrected her. Jasper had muttered something about Angelo under his breath but he wouldn't say anything else. I shuddered at the way Angelo had looked at Jasper, as though he would have loved nothing more than to beat him to a pulp and this new Angelo was crazy enough to do it.

"There's nothing going on between us."

"Liar," smirked Avery. "I saw the way you guys were all over each other."

"And, he kissed you," Taralynn added, spearing me with a look.

"Oh don't be ridiculous!" I snapped impatiently. "Jasper acts like that with everyone and he's a flirt. It's his nature."

"Well aren't you going to tell us about your romantic getaway with our delectable Aussie?" Avery teased again with an accent. "I mean you have to spill every gory detail because I am just dying to know."

I pursed my lips. I didn't want to discuss Jasper. We had both been walking on egg shells around that awkward incident back at Macau, neither of us willing to breach the subject.

"Well Madison?" Avery prodded impatiently.

"Well nothing!" I said firmly. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Of course there is." I glanced at Taralynn and saw her face was tight. "How was he in bed? If what I've heard about Jasper Nuoah is true, then you'd have absolutely nothing to do but stay on your back!"

Sometimes Avery really got on my nerves with her ridiculous insinuations, like now. Whatever happened between Jasper and I was our own business. I honestly did not know which I found more irritating; Avery's questions or Taralynn's disdain.

"Look Avery can you just drop it?" I glared at her. "What are you, Five-O? I don't want to talk about Jasper, can't you respect that?"

She arched an eyebrow and said coolly, "Excuse me. I was only curious."

"Don't be," I glared until she backed off. I gave Taralynn a challenging look but she just looked away.

"Well," Avery continued, "Perhaps what happened with Jasper has something to do with him." She nodded in the direction of Angelo who was back with his adoring fans.

"No kidding," muttered Taralynn.

I fixed my cool gaze on her. "What's your problem?" I demanded harshly. "Are you trying to say that I and Jasper are responsible for that?" I looked at Angelo again. This time, a buxom blonde had crawled into his lap and was slipping her hand into his shirt.

"All I'm saying is that ever since you went to Macau with Jasper and Angelo came back, it's like he went to Crazy Town."

"He broke up with me!" I whispered furiously. "He's the one who just up and left Taralynn! So if you're looking for someone to blame the break up on, how about you talk to Über Fly over there."

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