Chapter Forty-Two: Natalie's Past

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    Her expression was serious, and I knew immediately she wasn’t kidding. A million questions went through my mind.

    “What do you mean?” I asked, wanting to hear more.

    Natalie sighed.

    “It’s a long story.” she said, and I smiled.

    “Why don’t we just go into the past?”

    I had explained to her what I could do, and Natalie looked nervous at the thought of me going into her memories. I didn’t blame her.

    “Does it hurt?” she asked when I was about to touch her wrist. I looked to her.  

   “It’s not the way to the past that hurts, it’s the past itself.” I told her, and she looked to my hand, wondering if it was worth it.

    “Okay.” she half-whispered, and I could see that her hand shifted in nervousness.

    I touched her hand.


    I was surprised when I saw blurs. I didn’t understand at first, but then I realized that Natalie didn’t trust me.

    She wasn’t allowing access into her mind. She was blocking me. You can trust me. I thought, and with a moment hesitation, I was somewhere else.

    I saw Natalie wake up, and she was in a glass cylinder that was taller than herself. She was banging on the glass, and I saw two Krang droids.

    When I looked around, I couldn’t tell where I was. It didn’t look like any facility in New York. Were there more facilities elsewhere?

    “Let me out!” she screamed, hitting the glass again with her fist.    

    “Krang will not do the action you wish the Krang to do.” one of the Krang said, and she gritted her teeth.

    She sighed to calm herself down. “Where is Anna?” she asked.


    “The one called Anna is locked somewhere you will not find.” the Krang droid said, and her eyes were full of flames.

    The same droid looked to the other, and then he pointed towards a device. The other nodded, and then pressed a button.

    All of a sudden, water began to fill the tank.

    Natalie looked down in fright as the rushing water came higher up her body. She panicked as it went to her knees, and then after a few seconds, to her waist.

    I tried hitting the glass since I didn’t have my weapon, but it was no use. I watched as Natalie took a deep breathe before sinking into the water.


    I gasped when I came back into the present. I had to make sure that I was still in the ally with Lionclaw and Natalie.

    I was.

    Natalie was looking down, not meeting my gaze.

    “What were you doing with the Krang?” I asked. She didn’t reply, and there was silence.

    I knew she didn’t want to talk about it, but I needed to know.

    “Please, Natalie. It’s important.” I said, and she disappeared into the darkness.

    I narrowed my eyes in annoyance. “Come on, Natalie.” I said, “I just showed you a power that’s beyond you, and I might be some help to you.”

    There was silence for a moment.

    Natalie came from behind me, and she sat down, placing her head in her hands, not looking to me.

    “I think that the Krang needed humans to experiment on, and Anna and I were on our way home from a party.” she explained.

    “Is Anna…?” I asked, and she answered my question. “Anna’s my sister.”

    My eyes widened, and there was an awkward silence.

    “What happened to you in that lab?” I asked, and she hesitated. “They, um, they took me to Dimension X.”


    “Dimension X?” I asked, and then she explained how that was the Krang’s homeland. She said that it was a dangerous place, and many frightful things much more scary than mutants.

    “And what did they do to you?” I questioned, not sure if I wanted the answer to that.

    “They used the water to make me pass out,” Natalie stated, “And afterwards, I felt a stinging pain in my left shoulder.”

    She pulled her sleeve up to show a scar.

    “Soon after that, I found out what I could do, and I figured out what they had done to me while I was out.” Natalie told me.

    I waited for her to continue.

    She rubbed her shoulder nervously, not meeting my gaze.

    “They mutated me.”

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