Chapter Twenty: Blocked

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    We drove in the Shellraiser silently. I was driving while the other three were sitting down, not talking.

    June just stared at Mikey, who had taken his funky outfit off. She could see that he was a turtle humanoid, and I could tell that everyone was uncomfortable.

    “What is this place?” she asked, looking around. “The Shellraiser.” Mikey said, making his voice sound deeper and dramatic.

    I laughed a little. “What’s so funny?” June asked, looking to me. I couldn’t look to her as I spoke since I was on the wheel, but I replied.

    “You just sound calm through all of this.” I told her. When I first saw them, I almost jumped out of my skin, and tried to run away, only to be tackled by one of them.

    June didn’t reply. “How much further?” Karai asked instead. “Not far.” I said, pressing the button to get into the sewers.

    “Where are we going?” June asked when we went into the sewers. “The lair.” Mikey replied.

    “The lair?” she asked curiously. “Yeah it’s where we live with my brothers and sensei.” he told her.

    Her eyes widened by his words. “You mean there are more of you?” she asked, looking to him.

    He smiled. “Yeah. You’ll like them.” he promised, and she smiled in reply. I felt something burn in me, but I tried to ignore it.

    “We’re here.” I said, stopping Shellraiser, and we got out. It was an old subway station where the turtles lived, and the boys were waiting for us.

    Raph and Donny were on the couch (Raph looking at a comic while Donny was on a phone), and Leo was playing a video game.

    They all turned to look at us when we came in. “What is she doing here?” Raph asked, pointing his sais’ (his weapon) at her.

    “There wasn’t enough time to find out what happened to April, so I took her back here.” I told him, brushing the back of my hair with my fingers whenever I’m nervous.

    “What?” Raph asked, his voice sounding as thought I were crazy. “Calm down, Raph.” Leo said.

    I remembered how I felt when Raph was cross with me, and I wondered how June felt about it.

    “Calm down? We’re friends with Shredder’s daughter!” he yelled, and his comment made me feel torn, “And now she’s bringing more humans!”

    “Hey!” I said, my teeth gritted. Even now, after all that we had been through, he still hated me.

    “What Ellie Saki?” he asked, and this time it wasn’t a joke. “That’s it.” I said, jumping to tackle him.

    He tried to use his sais in defense, but I through them away from him. I tackled him to the ground like he had done to me on the first day I was here, and I began punching his face.

    I was sick of him being mean to me, and I was finally taking me anger out on him. He grabbed my hands, and twisted me over.

    I kept seeing a bright light going on and off like a flashlight that stung your eyes, and it was difficult to concentrate on what was happening now.

    It felt like a struggle to stay awake as though I haven’t slept in a really long time.

    “What is going on here?” Splinter asked when he had pinned me down. I stared up at Raph’s green eyes as he stared back at me.

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