Chapter Thirty-Three: The Girl Who Forgot Part 1

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    Anticipation filled the air as we waited for Donny’s report.

    Everyone was in the living room, Donny claiming that he needed silence and no distractions, and we didn’t object.

    The door of the lab opened, and everyone looked up.

    Donny was smiling. “I know where she is.”

    We waited for him to continue. “The Krang ship had survived, and April is on board. We still don’t know why they want April, but I found their file about her.

    “They placed a chip in the back of her neck to track where April goes, what she says, and who she is with.

    “They couldn’t fight her spirit, and her subconscious thought that June was her name. I believe it is because both names are months.

    “Soon, April was able to jog her own memory, and the Krang found out. They took her back to their ship before she could destroy the chip, and that is where we are to find her.” he explained.

    That was a lot of information to take in. We nodded.

    “The plan is simple, we find where they are hiding April, get her back, and leave.” Donny added.

    “How will we get on the ship?” I asked. “Easy, I made the mutagen tracker also track the ship.”

    “What about the ship itself? We need to destroy it!” Raph said, smashing his fist together for enthuses.

    “I agree,” Donny said, taking something out, “Which is why I also made a explosive device.”

    “It’ll destroy everything in a thousand yard radios.” he explained.

    “Ooh, we’ll call it the Krang destructor.” Mikey said, turning to us, “Why you ask? Because it’s-”

    “We get it.” we all said together.

    “How much time do we have before it explodes?” Raph asked, folding his arms. “When the Krang destructor is set, we’ll only have two minutes to get out.” Donny replied.

    “Well then, what are we waiting for?” Leo said, changing the subject, “Let’s go save April.”


    (Author’s Note: I’m not going to explain why the ship came so close to the streets. Donny had tracked the ship, and now they’re trying to pry open one of the circle things that got them aboard in the season 1 finale.)

    We hung on to the outside of the circular ship as Leo pried open one of the circular devices that would allow us inside.

    I felt the wind in my hair, and I tried hard not to look down. We were extending higher into the sky, and I really didn’t want to fall.

    I was afraid of heights.

    I gasped as the wind grew stronger, and I almost lost balance. There were no rails to hold us up, and the only thing that stopped us from falling was the small outwards line big enough for the balls of our feet (like a really small roof for footing).

    Leo was practically dangling from his sword that punctured the ship while he used the other sword to make a large hole.

    “Got it.” he said, pulling himself into the opening, “One at a time.”

    Mikey went in, then Donny, next Karai, and then it was my turn.

    Slowly, I walked sideways, trying not to look down, but I couldn’t help it. And when I did, the wind gushed my back, and I fell forwards.

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