chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(Meanwhile in the lab)

"He's still dead as a door nail." Doctor Mendez said, looking at Keaton's heart monitor then glancing back at his apprentice, Carl and the other doctors and nurses. "Are we giving up?" Carl asked him in his normal nerdy voice. "no, Carl, absolutely not. that would be a dumb action." Carl then shrugged. "Alright sir, whatever you say."

"Run some more tests Carl. blood test, DNA testing, anything."

"Roger that!" he said and scurried off.

"I can't explain why this isn't working correctly-" he began, looking at screen filled with codes, but noticed something of a milk chocolate color peeking out from under the top of Keaton's shirt. He pulled it down partially, revealing the most insane thing he's ever seen, even in his 20 year medical career. "what in the name of-" there were wings under that boy's shirt. what looked to be about 13 feet if you had them out all the way, beautiful and feathery, just like a bird. They were the color of milk chocolate, with caramel colored highlights. "it must be this mutant gene he has," Dr. Mendez whispered, so not everyone could hear. "they, are so majestic," he added.

"Holy guacamole Doctor!" it was no one other than Carl. "indeed, Carl, indeed." Dr. agreed, then said, "Carl, help me examine this boy some more. it's seems to me that we've left out some things," Carl, being stupid, shuffled over to Keaton and opened his mouth with dainty little fingers. "sir." he said and the Doctor was just to intrigued with the DNA he was looking at, that he ignored him. "sir!" he said louder, and Dr. Mendez got snapped out of his trance. "yes! Carl, goodness, you don't have to yell!" Carl sighed and said, "look, sir," pointing at a pair of unusually long and sharp canine teeth. vampire, of some sort, but not the kind there normally is. Dr. thought, then looking at the screen again. "He's a... he's a, Sui Generis..." He said and Carl looked puzzled. "what sir?"

"A Sui Generis is a human with the exact same mutant things he has... but is only a mythical creature... no human or real thing has ever been a Sui Generis, Carl. we might not completely know what we're dealing with here," he explained to Carl. "What do the teeth do sir?" he asked. "he can bite someone, and they become one of his own, he can only bite one person and it work, and after that, the bites are toxic, causing immediate death. and from what I see here, he hasn't bitten anyone yet."

"Are we going to tell his loved ones sir?" Carl asked him.



(After night time, after Jennifer's delivery.)

I lay on my hospital bed, childbirth is in fact very tiring and hurts like heck, ugh. I felt like dying during that. but eventually I went into a dreamless sleep.

I heard singing. it sounded like... no. its not him. couldn't be. what am I talking about? I could tell which song it was though, "I'd like to make myself believe, that planet earth, turns, slowly. its hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep. cuz everything is never as it seems." Fireflies, Owl City. that's one of his favorite songs... no its not him.

I opened my eyes to find the one and only, Keaton, sitting on the side of my hospital bed. I screamed as loud as I possibly could, and threw my arms around him. "Keaton! how, what?" I stammered. "Whatever, that doesn't matter right now." he placed his lips hard onto mine, and kissed me passionately. "I love you so much!" I cried as we took a 5 second breath. we continued and then pulled back, with our faces pressed together, smiling.

"How did they let you out of the lab?" I asked and he handed me a paper saying that he was something called a Sui Generis. and that he can come back to life only once and that was his only time he could. "Well, they didn't really let me out..." He said. "Keaton..." I sighed as he continued. "I tranquilized them because my senses said where the weapons were,"

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