Lost (A Keaton Stromberg fanfic)

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Chapter 1

Hey, I'm Jennifer Mills and I'm 19 years old. I live in Huntington Beach, California a few houses away from my very best friends, Keaton Stromberg, Wesley Stromberg, and Drew Chadwick. School has not always been my best thing..... I suppose I don't really fit in. I got bullied all the time, and the kids pushed me into my locker when they walk by. I have bruises from kids hitting me, and the only reason I'm still in this world is because of those three boys I just mentioned.

Well, and my only friend that's a girl, but she's 20, Laura. She's in my bestie club, along with the guys. we both get bullied, and her parents died when she was 10, so she lives with me and we cram ourselves into my small room. my parents hit us, and yell at us when we do nothing. they make us scrub the floors with a bucket and sponge because they don't want to pay for a 10 buck Swiffer thing.

Laura and I have identical scars on our wrists from before we met those boys 4 years ago, when they moved in. they made us stop, and told us how much we meant to this world. we finally caved in and listened to them though. me and Keaton aren't dating, but he gives me kisses on the cheek every time I come over with Laura to their house. I don't know why, but he does and I have to say, he's the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Laura seems to be attracted to Wesley, Keaton's brother, he holds her hand the same reason Keaton kisses me probably. Drew's our Ghandi, he is our biggest inspiration in living and fighting those bullies at school.

Actually, we're on our way, walking down to their house on the beach right now.

"Jenny! Laurs!" the boys shouted in unison. "hey guys!!" me and Laura gave them all hugs and Keats have me one of his sugary-sweet, each-day kisses. I smiled at the one thing keeping me alive, and put my arm around him.

"We're playing some Call of Duty, want to play? are you going to stay late?" Wes asked us. "sure, and yeah, probably" Laura said. "oh! and um.... Jenny..... can I talk to you outside?" Keaton softly asked, looking down, rocking on his feet. "sure," I replied, with no hesitation.

He grabbed my hand, and we walked out on the back porch, by the pool with flashing lights, and changing colors. he flipped on the big light and sat down next to me on the comfy leather couch. "Jenny, you know, I've been thinking about this for a while now," I nodded and he took in a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair. "I remember when I first saw you, your hair was messy, your eyes were dark and wet. but underneath that, I saw those sparkling, hazel eyes. inside, there was a part of you, that.. Had, hope. and I wanted that to come out and show. your voice is beautiful, and when you sing, I just want to join in." I smiled and looked up, realizing what he just said. wait, what? I NEVER sing in front of ANYONE. "wait, keaton, you've heard me sing?" He shrugged. "yeah, I mean, I've walked in on you bright and early in the morning when you've accedentally fell asleep here, and you sit in the window, looking out at the ocean, singing softly to Bob Marley and folk songs about life and nature."

I smiled and looked in his hazel eyes. "have you told anyone I sing?" I asked, staring to feel nervous that people would know. "no, nobody has a clue." Keaton said. "Thank you, Keaton," I mumbled. "You're welcome Jen. um, and..... what I was going to say also.... oh yeah! I was wondering if you- would- come with me to the beach tomorrow, and, I'll make cookies..." a smile stretched across my face, and I said, "of course Keats!" I hugged him, with my arms around his neck, my face buried in his shoulder and brown curly hair.


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We made our way back into the house, Keaton turning the back porch light off after I stepped in.

"Hey guys! guess what? Laura and I are together now!!" Wes yelled, putting one arm around her. "cool! that's awesome! be good to her, ok?" I joked. Of course Wes was going to be good to her, he's seemed to love her for about 4 years at the least. "well, let's break out the ice cream, then!" keaton screamed and I giggled. he was so awkward and I kinda loved it.

"Kids, what are you doing?" it was Wes and Keaton's mom, rubbing her eyes and coming downstairs to get water. "eating iss cweem," Keaton said in that exact voice and he made me giggle like a little school girl. I put my hand covered by my long jacket sleeve over my mouth to cover it. "oooo.....k... that's nice my amazing 19 year old child that acts 7." She said and walked back upstairs "don't be so loud ok? I need to get up early tomorrow to meet friends." we all yelled "OK!!" simultaneously and Keaton passed out the ice cream with his tounge sticking out. he told me, "don't eat urs yet, Jen, I'm not done!" he got out the chocolate and a knife. "be careful my young bro, last time you got a knife, we ended up wrapping your finger." Wes laughed. Drew could be pretty quiet when he wanted, which was apparently right now.

Keaton smiled and said, "here! Done!" He placed a carved out chocolate heart with, 'ily' written inside the middle. "Oh my gosh, Keaton, it's so cute!" I took a pic with the iPhone my parents wouldn't let me get (by the way, I didn't have a phone at all in the first place) that Keaton bought me for Christmas. And it was even iPhone 5c too.

The 5 of us ate our ice cream and then got out the guitars. I have a guitar, a beat-up old one Laura got from her mom and dad before they died. She just didn't have the talent, and told me to see if I could do it. I played every single second I could, and I was like a prodigy. I can play bass too now, Keaton taught me. he handed me one of his acoustic basses and Wes got his acoustic guitar, Drew his uklele, and Laura can kinda play drums so she just used her hands.

"Lets play Indigo," Drew suggested. we all nodded in agreement and Drew started playing his uklele. We smiled, and sang, I mostly played the bass though, because I don't like to sing in front of people, 'im fallin through the Indigo kaleidoscope. I'm fallin through, the indigo, kaleidoscope... yeah' we sang and at "yeah" everyone stopped singing and me and Keaton were the only ones singing. that one lyric I get the nerve to sing, and everyone stops. they looked at me, with awe. "Wow, Jenny, your good..." Wes said. Keaton smiled at me and i managed a, "thanks" I looked down and started picking at my nail. "can you play us a song, please?" he asked like a little kid. "umm, I'm not sure, but only if Keaton will play and sing some parts with me." everyone eyed Keaton and he said, "ok which song?" I whispered, 'Safe and Sound' by Taylor Swift. he nodded and I quickly grabbed the regular guitar from Wes and started playing.

"I remember tears streaming down you face when I said I'll never let you go, when all those shadows almost killed your light," Keaton did oohs in the background for me and I waited for the next part. we played and then there was the chorus, "just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now, call morning light, you and i'll be safe, and, sound." I finished and everyone clapped loudly. "wow" I heard and, "your really good" Keaton gave me a wink. " I told you, you're good." He said. "you sing like an angel" he kissed me on the cheek.

The clock on the wall was almost pointing to 12 midnight, so me and Laura decided to leave.

We were going to sneak in through our window, so my parents (well our parents) don't find out. laura and i helped eachother climb up the tree next to the house and on the roof. we open our unlocked window and climbed into the bedroom, leaves in our hair.

LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora