chapter 14

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Chapter 14

(Monday morning)

"Wake up Jen, you have to leave soon," it was Keaton, lightly shaking my shoulders. I sat up and stretched my arms, then struggled to stand. Laura had made bacon and toast for breakfast, and we were all hungry and ready to eat. "yum!" I exclaimed, digging into my food. "Hungry again Jenny?" Wes asked. "yes, of course I am silly," I answered. He laughed and just shook his head.

"It's 9:30," Keaton said to me. "Oh, ok I'm going to go upstairs, brb," I said and ran to our room.

What I picked out to wear was a plain light pink panda t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sky blue high tops. I put mascara and Chapstick on, grabbed my purse, brushed my hair and put it up in a simple ponytail, and went downstairs. everyone was sitting in the living room, watching Sam and Cat for some reason. "uh, guys, I'm going, be back in an hour, hour and a half," I said to them, then walking out the door.

I got in the car and drove just the 16 and a half miles to the doctors office downtown. When I got there, I found a nice, shady parking spot, closest to the building so I didn't have to walk that far. The wait wasn't that long in the waiting room, and they took me in the back fast. "hello again, Miss Jennifer," it was the same doctor. "hi, how are you?" I asked him. "good, thank you," the ultrasound didn't last long either, I was surprised.

I sat down there in the chair for about 20 minutes, waiting for the results. my purse started playing Cough Syrup and I got up and reached for it. I unlocked it, and it was Keaton. he texted me, "hey babe, u still there?" And I typed back, "ya, I'm still here, what u guys doin?" a few seconds later I heard my tri-tone, "were just sittin in the living room still, waitin for you Jen"

"K, i'll be there soon, txt u when I leave Keats,"

"K luv u,"

"Luv u too,"

The doctor came back soon, handing me a heavy manilla folder. "here you go Jennifer, these are your results. everything is good, but maybe you want to go over the good news with everyone at home," he told me. "ok, thank you sir," I said, shook his hand, and made my way out the door, and texted Keaton that I was leaving like I said I would.

I pulled into the driveway, got out of the car, and grabbed my papers. I hummed 3000 Miles while walking up to the front door, then knocked. Keats opened the door, knowing it was me. "hey baby! do you have the results?" he grabbed me in a hug and twirled me around. "yep! right here!" he put me down and I handed them to him, and he sat down with me on his lap on the couch. Everyone else was in the backyard/beach, so the just the both of us opened it first.



Gender of child: female


I looked at Keaton and we screamed, holding eachother in a huge crazy hug. we took the papers, still screaming, and ran out the back patio, off the pool deck, and onto the sand, making our way to them in the water.

"What!" They all yelled back in unison, getting off their boards and out of the water. "look! look!" I said, breathing fast. Laura dried her hands on a towel and took the papers from me. "oh my gosh! congratulations guys!!" she wrapped us in a hug and gave the papers to Wes and Drew. all 5 of us hugged and ran into the house.

"Thats awesome," Drew said as he closed the door behind us and we all nodded. "thanks, you guys are amazing," I said. "yeah," Keaton added, and kissed the top of my head. "this is a really good day entirely, you know why?" Laura asked us. we shook our heads. "were getting married in 3 months," says Wes and everyone screams again. we group hug, and Drew and I go over to the kitchen and start to cook a celebration dinner for us all.

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