chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was now currently 2:43 pm so I went downstairs to tell my parents I was going somewhere.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going somewhere to occupy myself tonight," I said. "fine, but our laundry is put away and folded?" my mom asked sternly. "yes ma'am, Laura and I did it this morning." she nodded and I went back upstairs to get dressed.

Me and Laura layed in our beds on Instagram when our mom and dad yelled that they were going to the movies then dinner at the Cheese Cake Factory. They told us to make sure the door was locked when we left and we yelled "Ok," as we heard the front door close. "Alright, it was 3:26 so we went downstairs because the boys were picking us up seprately, but at the same time. we didn't even scedule that though, which is funny. Good brothers think alike, huh.

Exactly at 3:30, they picked us up. Wow, they looked really good. well, Wes was like sexy and hot, and Keaton was also himself and rocked the smexy, adorable look. Laura and I looked out the window, watching them walk like pure swaggy californians, originally from Washington. we smiled brightly as we opened the door for them.

"Aw Jen, you look so cute!" Keaton squealed. "awe, you to bby!" I giggled and grabbed his outstretched hand, him intertwining his fingers in mine. Wes rolled his eyes. "You look hot in that Laura," he said and she swooned. "Hehe, thanks. you look sexy in that," he was wearing a black leather jacket with a gray shirt underneath and black jeans. he was wearing grey Vans too. keaton was wearing a black button down underneath his blue, black, and grey striped sweater, skinny blue jeans, and his red Converse high tops. His meow hat was on his head, topping off his cute spree.

The four of us walked off to seperate cars after locking the front door. "have fun!" keaton and I yelled to Laura and Wesley. "We will! you too!" they yelled back, climbing into His Ferrari. it was funny, they had a really expensive Ferrari, and Keaton and I got into a Toyota Camry. we didn't need much to be happy did we, all we needed was Keaton's smile to keep the light burning. I don't really know what it is, but it just lights up my world, and makes me smile too.

Keaton and I drove a while to a smaller beach probably about 42 miles away. it was so beautiful, the stars shimmered and reflected on the small, crashing waves along with the full moon. it was 7:21 now because it really did take us a while to get here, and to be honest, we stopped and went to a mall on the way. we went to skate stores, and pet stores, looking at the cats. we went to a Kay jewelry store to for some reason. ha, just for giggles I guess.

"You like it, Jen?" Keaton asked, looking at me, his eyes sparkling. "Its beautiful. I love it, thank you for bringing me here." he kissed my forehead and said, "no problem, your mine now," he smiled his bright smile, and I returned his happiness. "Lets go find a good spot to set up." he said an we strolled, hand in hand up to a nice spot in the sand. he set down a soft, fluffy blanket and he had made cookies, doughnuts, chocolate cake, green machine Naked juice, and bread. I laughed because, this was in fact, my dream food. like seriously.

"Nice, that's my kind of healthy." I said and keaton laughed. "yeah, me too lawl!" we laughed together and sat down, eating all of the sweets. Keaton was sitting right next to me, and our legs and shoulders were touching. "one time," he said, then continued to chew on a cookie. "me, Wes, and Drew came out on this beach, and they had girlfriends with them. I didn't though, I-just didn't because I'm like afraid of like hurting girls because they deserve better. I'm not good enough for anyone, so they would end up broken because I couldn't do it anymore. But, when I met you, I immediately fell for you. to be honest, I'm in love with you Jen. I couldn't help myself so I decided to just ask you out, because I couldn't take it anymore." I grabbed his hand. "oh Keats, I love you too kitty. you are good enough, you're more than good, you're perfect for me." he smiled and I kissed his cheek.

We finished the sweets and I said, "what do we do now, Keats?" he shrugged. "let's go in the water," he smiled. "but, how-do, I-get wet? these are my dry clothes and-" I then realized what he meant. yeah, I've got leggings under these shorts, and a sports bra underneath it, what's the problem? "Mkay," I smiled and he smirked. yeah, first date, then were just strippin down half way. nice. I then stood up and took off my shorts, sweater, shirt, scarf, shoes, all those 's' words. he ended up just being in his underwear, shirtless. we frolicked in the salty, ocean water, playing by splashing each other. we just jumped around laughing and giggling.

Suddenly we saw people walking down the beach. I tapped Keaton's shoulder and quietly we snuck and hid behind a big rock. we didn't want other people to see us pretty much half naked, which might sound really wierd, but not really. The both of us were pretty close, you know, and had the right. the people left the beach, got into their car, and left. me and Keaton then came out from behind the rock, soaking wet. it was a surprisingly warm night, for it starting to be cooler out now. but since we were wet, it seemed to be freezing. Keaton put away our things and I looked at my phone. wow, 9:23. eh, whatever, my parents won't be home by probably midnight. they're most likely partying right now, drunk. he wrapped us in the blanket, because that was all we have. he had shorts on now though.

"Shorts? you brought those?" I asked. "yeah, I knew we'd go in the water at some point." I just looked at him. "then why didn't u wear those when we were IN the water?" He shrugged and said, "idk, I forgot I guess." he then put his right arm around my shoulder and his left around my waist, like if he didn't, I would just fly away like a balloon let loose from a child's hands. "Keaton," I said. "yeah," my eyes met his. "um, I've been thinking so much, that it's crazy, and I just want to- never let you go. ever. I love how you seem to want to stay young forever, with your childish ways, and its so adorable. your raspy singing voice gives me goosebumps to be honest, and your eyes, I just can't look away when you stare deeply into my eyes." I took my hand and ruffled his hair and he smiled because he loves it when I do that.

He giggled, and pulled me closer to where I was practically sitting in his lap. "I love you soooo much Jen," he said and leaned in to me, brushing his lips against mine. "so. freaking. much." we ended up pretty much making out on that beach, not like, crazy or anything, more like just kissing but more I guess. it's hard to explain ok! But anyways, he pulled back and we layed back on the sand, his arms around my waist, facing eachother. I leaned my forehead against his and we stayed there for awhile.

Eventually, Keaton got up and I put my clothes back on and just stayed in his other shorts, shirtless. we got our stuff, got in the car, and drove off.

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