chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Me and Keaton changed into our pajamas which, I.... forgot to bring and buy at the mall earlier! omg what's wrong with me! I keep forgetting things so easily! because of that, I put on a soft sports t-shirt and really comfy shorts. Keaton had on pajama pants, and was shirtless. he layed down next to me in his bed, and covered us up in a warm, fluffy comforter. "you're so freaking warm," I whispered. "mmhm, right back at cha," Keats said back, then kissing me lightly on the lips. I giggled, and ran my fingers through his hair.

I bet you're thinking that the fact of me and Keaton actually doing this at this age is wrong, and you're right... It is.

We eventually fell asleep in eachothers arms after that. I dreamed about it, and I started to regret it. I'm 19 years old, I need to calm down; nothings going to happen. but I just had this feeling. like, that I was going to regret it even more later, something was going to happen. a thought like this in my head gave me a really bad migraine, worrying and stressing out always gives me one. I sat up, and put on one of Keaton's hoodies after I put my shorts and a top back on. it was really comfy, and it smelled like him too. I made my way to the windowsill, and it was on the side of the house that faced the ocean, so I looked out and pressed my face against the glass, fogging it up.

"It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside...I'm not one of those who can, easily hide. I don't have much money, but boy if I, did, I'd buy a big house where, we both could live." I sang quietly. "and you can tell everybody, that this is your song. it may be quite simple but, now that it's done. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is, now your in the world." I love that song, Your Song by Elton John. it's really beautiful and I thought it was perfect for how I feel about Keaton you know. I saw Keaton shift sleeping positions out of the corner of my eye, and I got up and walked over to him.

It was easy to admire his face as he slept. so peaceful, and at some points, he would smile slightly. if you were to be really quiet, you could hear his soft deep breathing. I sat down on the bed next to him, and gently played with his curly hair. My headache seemed to finally wear off, so I layed back down next to him and fell back asleep.



We woke up to the sun shining bright through the window, and birds chirping. "Good morning Jellybean," Keaton said and rubbed my back. "morning baby," I said and got up out of bed and he saw that I was wearing his jacket. "did you get up in the middle of the night again Jen?" I looked down. "yes..." he sighed, getting up also. "babe, you have to get sleep, I want you to have enough energy to get through the day," he told me, putting his arm around my shoulders. "yeah, but, I got a migraine Keats,"

"What's worrying you then?" he asked. I know he has figured me out, he knows what's up when I've got a headache, when he asks what's wrong and I say, 'oh nothing'. and I appreciate that he's spent enough time to know that. pushed out other things to know out of his mind, and replaced it with just me. "nothing, I'm ok," I walked over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. "no, really Jen," he said and we started walking out into the hallway. "fine. I'm just worried about last night. you know, me and you. like, I somehow have a sense of regret for doing that." he nodded while looking me straight in the eyes. "it's ok baby, I know what you mean," half of the worry in my body then ran out as he said that. "really? you do?" I asked. "yes, and you'll be fine. you will."

"I will. your right. I love you keatykat," he smiled brightly. "I love you too Jen," the both of us made our way down the stairs to go eat breakfast.

"Hey children!" Drew exclaimed to us. "sup dude!" Keaton yelled back to him. For breakfast it looked like cereal was the answer. everyone sat down around the island in the middle of the kitchen. "so, Wes, Laura, anything happen last night with you two?" I asked, holding back a laugh. "no, I promise. just a kiss to be honest with you Jenny," Wes told me truthfully. "ok, good." I replied and everyone laughed. "What about you and Keaton though...?" Laura asked, raising her eyebrows. "mmm...nothing," keaton lied and I glanced at him and gave him a mind high five. "good, good kids you are." Drew said and me and Keaton complained in unison, "were not kids! over 18, pretty much adults!" He chuckled and shook his head. "there's something up with you two, I just know it." he said, winking at us. oh gosh, he's onto us I thought. and then, I got worried again. no matter what we say to eachother, Keaton and I both know that there's going to be pain in my future, and gosh, I don't feel like it.

I sighed, and started to run my fingers through my hair. Keats noticed and grabbed my hand. "Jen, what's wrong? and don't tell me nothing." I looked at him and whispered in his ear, "should we tell them?" he thought for a bit then nodded. "ok," I spoke up, interrupting their laughter. "guys, we lied." they then completely stopped and stared at me and Keaton. "we.... Did you know what last night." they had a death stare on us now. "you.... what? guys...." Laura said, really shocked. a big wierd feeling had arose in the pit of my stomach now, and I suddenly felt really bad and sick. "well," keaton broke the silence. "yeah. I'm sorry if this definately shows that Jen and I are NOT kids anymore, but, it's the truth. it... just happened ok, and I..... I..." he was right, dude. I felt like crap now, I felt like I was about to fall out of my chair practically. I felt really sick, and my stomach hurt really bad. This really sucks.

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