chapter 16

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Chapter 16

(Jennifer's POV)

I woke up at 6:36 feeling sick. I did my thing, took a nice warm shower, and went downstairs to to just find Laura in the kitchen.

"Sup Jenny," Laura said as I came down the last step slowly. "nothing, just tired. Hungry. again." She nodded. "all day, everyday huh?"

"Yep." I answered and walked over to open the fridge to get a lemonade. "Where are the boys?" I asked her, taking a sip. "oh Drew's out with his new girlfriend Chelsea, Wes is at the store, and Keaton is out surfing,"

"By himself?" I asked again. wow, I wonder if extreme curiosity is a side effect of being pregnant at 19? "yeah, I don't know what his dealio is, his phone's sittin here on the counter, and he didn't even ask Tyler to come with him." she told me.

"Do you think I should go out there and talk to him?"

"Maybe, you're the only one that can talk to him and he listens to you," she said and I imediately walked out onto the back patio, then onto the soft, white sand barefoot wearing just sweatpants and a sports bra. gosh, the waves did look really good today though. I stopped in my tracks and watched Keaton ride a nice one all the way in, then turn around and paddle back out. I started to walk again, making my way to the water, when I saw he hadn't noticed me. I watched his face, he was-crying. why?

"Oh my God," I mumbled underneath my breath. "I'm going out there." I took off my favorite sweatpants so I didn't get salt water on them, revealing my underwear, but I didn't care. good thing this was our private slice of beach, or people would have thought I was a stripper. I took out my hair tie, so my brown curly hair fell down around my shoulders. I tossed my pants down on the sand, and dove straight into the water, just as if I was a mermaid in the childish show H2O on Netflix. I swam until I felt plastic fins above my head. willingly, I yanked on his leash as it hung from his right ankle, and he jumped, falling off the side of his board. My feet pushed up from the bottom and I popped up out of the water to see Keaton, his eyes red and filled with tears.

"What the hell are you doing!?" he yelled, regaining his balance. "just-just trying to find out what's wrong, baby! tell me!" I yelled back. he sat on the lower part of his board, then motioned for me to sit on the front. we both sat on it facing eachother, our knees touching. "sweetie, I just, don't know ok? my life is hard right now..." he whispered as he placed his wet hands on the sides of my face, looking me straight into my eyes. "To be honest, I am so freaking sorry that I made you pregnant, so sorry that you have to go through this! so sorry I'm here in the first place! I mean, we're going to be in charge of a life here Jen!" his voice was raising and more tears were welling up in his eyes. "Keaton! just shut up! Oh my God, you are the most perfect, wonderful, boy in the history of forever. I've never or will ever love anyone more than you! If you weren't alive, I would be dead! do. not. be. sorry! I am saying thank you!!!" I was practically screaming now, starting to cry too.

He just stared straight at the water, the tears steadily running down his cheeks. "I-love-you!!" I then screamed through sobs. I buried my face in my hands after I noticed how lifeless he looked just sitting there. "just-freaking kiss me you idiot!" I yelled, he looked at me, then pulled me into his arms, his hands around my face, and downright kissed me as if the longer he did it, the less chance he had of losing me.

We sighed simultaneously, then he stood up, putting out his hands to help me up. We walked over to my pants and phone in silence, I picked them up and he carried his board and we walked up to the house back door, knocking on the glass. salt water dripped from our hair, down our bodies, and poured onto the stone patio deck. I saw Laura rush to the door and unlock it, then opening it. "why are both of you wet? Why are you in your underwear Jennifer? Hmm, I better get you guys towels, why are you crying? um, here Keaton..." She said fast, then leaned down and took the leash off of Keaton's ankle. she picked it up and grabbed his board, carrying it inside as we remained silent, not facing eachother. Laura brought out two towels and we stepped inside.

"What the heck happened?" she asked. "just a fight, nothing," Keaton answered, brushing past her and going up the stairs. probably to that empty room in the back of the house, that's where he goes when he needs to think, I've been told. Laura turned to look at me and I said, "just don't, Laura,"

"Just nothing! tell me, Jennifer," she commanded, so I told her. "well I ran out to the water and he was just surfing, but he was crying Laura. I had to run out there. so I took my sweatpants off, and jumped in the water. Then we started arguing, and yelling, screaming at eachother. And we were both sitting on his board, and I was done with him saying he shouldn't be alive so I just yelled, 'just kiss me you idiot!' we then walked up to the house in complete silence." I told her and she just stood there, in shock. "oh my gosh, what a fight! was that kiss the make up of it though you think?" She asked me. "I seriously doubt it. it was just a kiss to relive some stress Laura." she nodded as I talked. "I just, don't know how to make Keaton feel better. his eyes used to be bright and sparkly green. now they're all dull." I was crying now, again. And crying gives me migraines. great.

Laura wrapped me in a hug, saying, "you guys will be fine." I just mumbled back, "but what if he's not by the time she's here!" Laura knew exactly who I meant. "he will be honey, he will be. don't worry," she said. "I'll go up there and talk to him ok?" I nodded and she went upstairs. all I did was sip on a cup of coffee that she had made for me earlier, and stare at those stairs. waiting for the both of them to come down, Laura saying that he's fine now, happy as can be like he used to.

It was mostly confusion, not as much sadness that washed over me. the only time I felt fear, was when I heard Laura screaming my name.

"Jennifer!!! Jennifer!!! oh my God!!" I heard her shriek. I immediately stood up and sprinted up the stairs, and to the back room. "Laura!! what's wrong!?" I yelled back getting to the doorway, finding Keaton on the tile floor, laying lifeless.

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