chapter 15

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Chapter 15

First thing in the morning, we dragged Keatonkitty out of bed and took him down the street, knocking on Greg's door.

"Hello?" we suddenly heard a squeaky voice come from behind the door. "Um, hi, we are the, erm, Strombergs and Chadwick from down the street. we have a sort of predicament here and your really smart right?" I said and he nodded, opening the door slowly, revealing a small 9 year old boy. "and, also I've heard you have a lab too..."

"Ooh, a pretty lady, and yes, I do."

"Oook.... so we need you to test our Keaton's DNA please." I patted Keaton's head and he nodded again. "ok, I can do that, step right in." We walked into his house and saw a perfectly clean, spotless, perfect house. Hand santitizer was located at probably every 10 feet, and I noticed that he was definitely a germiphob. Greg walked us all down into the basement, where lab tables filled with beakers, test tubes and other sciency stuff. different colored substances bubbled inside heated containers on stands above small flames.

I watched an ember flitter across my view as he said, "ok! so I can run the test right now, and yeah, so you can just either stand or sit on the floor while you wait, I don't have any chairs. I will just take him and hook him up to my contraption here," we just stood there and handed Keaton over to him. Greg noticed my risen stomach, and since he new almost everything that had to do with science, he asked, "are you pregnant?" I looked at my group and then back at him. "well, yes, I am."

"I though so, well congratulations! with who?" I hesitated and then pointed to Keaton. "ah, I see. you two look really young, how old are you?"


"Goodness me. you know you're lucky, because you know what can happen if you're too young-" I stopped him in mid sentence and added, "yes, we do. but, I guess that's behind us huh?" he laughed and snorted. "well looks like its tecnically in front of you," we all started laughing and he took Keaton and hooked him up to many wires. after about 20 minutes, he brought Keaton back over and handed us printed out papers.

"Thank you so much Greg, we appreciate it. what do we owe you?" he shrugged, walking us back out and through the house. "Oh! nothing, nothing at all! my pleasure!" we thanked him even more, then made our way back to our house.

"Lets read the papers," Keats spoke up from silence after I closed the door behind us. "ok," we sat down on the couch, and I read it aloud:

Dear teens,

He has this mutated gene that I can't identify, but it gives him the power to read inside other human's minds. also, in fact, he can lift objects with his mind, and has more strength than he's aware of.

Sincerely, Gregory

P.S. oh and just so you two are aware, your baby is most likely to have that gene. who knows what that'll be like, but goodbye

I looked up at Keaton with a expression of shock, and he looked like he was thinking the same thing, "oh my God," he put his arms around me, and so did everyone else. With their arms around me and Keaton, like they were supposed to drain out all worry, but I had so many 'what if?' questions, flying through my mind like fighter jets. What if me and Keaton just created a whole new kind of human? what if something went totally wrong, and we all became targets for the evil? wow, I should seriously stop watching Arrow.

Everyone let go of eachother slowly, then returning to their own things. Laura and Wes left to go pick the wedding cake, Drew went out with some girl probably, (although he said they were, "just a friend") so me and Keaton were home alone, sitting on the couch lazily, wearing sweatpants. I just sported the pants and a sports bra, revealing my baby bump a little bit, but I didn't care. My hair was in a really messy bun. Keaton was just shirtless with sweatpants, his hair messy as possible also.

We lay sprawled out on the couch, the TV turned off and no sound in the room whatsoever except for Nothing To Lose playing softly in the back ground. Keaton was playing with my hair, and I ran my fingers through his, fluffing up his curls. He loves that, just like a kitten would. he smiled and I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm glad you don't despise me now." He said. "what do you mean?" I asked, sitting up slowly. "you know, giving our child this freak gene all because of me and my stupid idea to have you know, in the first place."

"Oh, Keaton, it's fine we'll be perfectly fine. I love you with all my heart, and we can manage with a kid with freak powers," he sat up also and I put my arm around his back, rubbing his other side. "I love you too." he whispered, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "But are you sure? But you don't even know for sure how its gonna be," he added. "I'm sure, even though I don't know that it will be totally perfect all the time. there are going to be ups and downs, but we are going to have to face our fears and problems Keats."

"Yeah, I guess so baby."

"Thank you for not worrying anymore,"

"Your welcome," keats said as we layed back down again and started to drift off to sleep. he was laying on the couch itself, and I was laying on top of him, his arms around my waist.

"Jen?" I heard as my eyes fluttered open. "Keaton?" I asked, still half asleep, half awake. "mmhm," I sat up, opening my eyes. Keaton was sitting on the side of the bed, with his acoustic bass in his lap. "Good morning sunshine!" I giggled and leaned into him and his bass, running my index finger down the A string. "so, what are we doing today?" I asked him. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" I shrugged. "I have no clue."

"I'll go ask the guys, Laura is at the store getting food we forced her to go buy," we laughed as he left the room, setting his bass down on my lap. With a good opportunity and no one else watching, I started to play and sing. my hands just played the steady bass line of Cough Syrup, and my voice sang the lyrics.

(While downstairs: Keaton's POV)

I walked down the stairs to ask Wes and Drew what they wanted to do today, and they were twerking randomly to Get Low as it played loudly from our surround sound music player.

"Guys. Guys, Guys! WES! DREW!" I ended up screaming at them, and Drew turned off the music. "What?" he asked me. "do you guys want to do anything today? Jen has no idea so I figured I'd ask you guys," I answered him, and they looked at eachother, then back at me. "surfing." they said in unison, (go figure) and I nodded. there was a completely awkward silence, and then we heard a faint, pretty singing voice and low bass notes coming from upstairs.

"Shh," I put my finger to my lips and motioned for them to come upstairs quietly. we tip-toed up to me and Jen's bedroom, with the door slightly cracked open. she was singing One Day and playing my bass. me and the guys hid on the side of the doorway to where she couldn't see us, while we were so quiet, we could be dead. I listened to her angelic voice, and watched her perfect fingers move along the fingerboard, her mouth moving perfectly in sync with the music. she finished the song, and all three of us finally walked into the door.

"I don't know what you're afraid of Jen," I said. "yeah, you should play with us some time," Wes added and Drew nodded. she looked down, blushing. "no..." I then came over to her side and sat down next to her. "babe, what are you talking about? your voice is perfect,"

"No it's not, Keats. anyways, I couldn't go up on stage like that, I'm not good enough, like not my voice, but..." says Jen and I put my arm around her shoulder.

"You. are so. beautiful Jen." I said to her and she looked up at me. "no... but I guess I could go on stage at least once..." she mumbled and me and the guys fell on top of her yelling. "yes!" Wes screamed as we hugged her. "ok! ok!" guys! chill!" she yelled at us and Drew and Wes both went back downstairs.

"I love you," I whispered into her ear and she layed her head on my chest as we fell back onto the bed. "I love you too," she whispered back to me.

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