chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Keaton and I got to my house at around 10:20. he drove up to my house, kissed me on the cheek, and drove to his house.

When I walked through the door, Laura was already there sitting on the couch writing a story."hey," I told her. "sup?" I tossed down my purse. "nothing really. just went to the beach." She looked at me. "Then why are you so late then?"

"Oh, um, I don't know, I guess we just lost track of time." Laura laughed, stood up, and sat down her notebook. "yeah, mmhmm,"

"Laura!" I yelled to her "what? just saying!" I just sighed, shaking my head. "dude, were not that serious,"

"Ok then, but soon man," we then went upstairs to get to bed. "oh my God! Laura!" she can be such a character sometimes. just insane.

About probably 30 something minutes later, I heard a car door close outside the house and the front door slam. Laura and I jumped and froze. "Jennifer. Carly. Mills!!!Laura. Auburn. Jennings!!!" we heard my mom yell furiously from downstairs. We immediately jumped up quickly and sprinted downstairs, practically breaking our necks almost falling. "yes ma'am, yes sir?" we breathed in unison. "You were seriously, freaking, out with boys!!!" she yelled and we just stood there, staring at her. "Laura, at such an expensive place like the Cheesecake Factory! Jennifer! At the beach! but that's not all, taking off over clothes just to go swimming!!" Laura looked at me with a look that said, 'see, told you it would happen soon, your halfway there.' oh no. ohhhh freakin nooooo. nooo! what are they going to do to us now? a flash of fear went through my body, what's going to happen to us?

"I can't explain, how DONE. I AM. WITH YOU TWO. tell me, how acceptable is this? you were supposed to be at the house after an hour, cleaning and doing our laundry!!" she screamed. "girls! how about you go! just go! we don't want you anymore! more less you, Laura! you just crawled into our household without asking!" my dad yelled at us, his face red with fury. We started crying hard, and ran upstairs to grab as much clothes and make-up we could, shove them in our backpacks, and grab our penny boards. "We're gonna call the cops on you in just a second if you don't get the fudge ( sorry the words said where a bit inappropriate ) out of here!!"

We zipped up our bags with so much force I about broke mine. we sprinted down the hall and stairs. as I ran out the door my dad got me by a few seconds. his hand slapped the side of my face, the thumb-nail caught my eyebrow. he ripped his pocketknife out of his pocket, and sliced my right hand. I immediately screamed in pain, grabbing my hand. it started bleeding really bad and I just let the blood run down my other hand as me and Laura stumbled down the front porch steps, and ran down the sidewalk, on our way to the best place possible to be right now.

Wes, Keaton, and Drew's house.

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