Agni found us a nice table... in the very center of the huge room. Mira and I sat beside each other while Agni sat on the opposite side. We quickly ordered something to eat. Deep inside I hoped that Mohana might be here, but I already could tell he wasn't.

There was so much tension building up inside me. My instincts always pays attention to every detail happening around me, and it's only more stressing when there's so much taking place in the area. Plus, the ten closest conversations nearby were focused on only one thing, the Striker.

I took deep, relaxed breaths to keep it together. Mira and Agni were talking up a storm. They either were so ingrossed in each other that they forgot to add me in or they naturally knew I would remain quiet.

Then my hearing picked up a sentence that made the hairs on the back of my neck prickle, "I'll ask her if she's the real one myself."

Twenty feet away, a chair scooted against the black tile flooring and I straightened up in preparation of what the person had to say to me.

Ten seconds later I heard a deep voice say, "Excuse me."

Acting like I had not been expecting them, I turned to see a teenage American boy standing close by. His brown eyes were locked onto me. Like most people who first met me they noticed my abnormally blue eyes. Since my electic powers constantly ran through me, my eyes probably were glowing eerily in the dim room.

"Yes, did you need something?" I replied making myself put on a forced smile.

He shuffled his feet, an obvious sign of nervousness, "I'm just going to ask you straight out. Are- are you the Striker?"

My own tension drained away, realizing that this guy wasn't here to cause trouble.

I nodded, "Yes, I am. My real name is Shakti though."

He seemed to loosen up as well, "See, some of my friends doubted that you were, well, the Striker. So I thought I'd ask you-"

"It's no problem. Where are your friends?" I smiled for real this time.

The guy turned and pointed to where he had been sitting. Five other boys sat there watching what was happening without knowing what we were saying.

The idea that someone questioned who I was bothered me more than having people stare at me for being who I was. I'm not the type of person to show off, but I was going to do it just this once.

Letting my right hand hang loose by my side so that the boys at the table could see, I let my lightning energy pulse. Blue and violet lightning cracked around my cupped hand. The bright flash caught the eyes of a few others nearby, but my main goal gave me a satisfying result.

The boys at the other table had their mouths gaping wide open like fish. The guy who had originally approached me had the hugest half grin, half shocked look I had seen in a long time.

It was very pleasing to show off, especially since I had had few oppotunities to do so. Maybe it was a good idea to come after all.

Reminding myself to tone down, I pulled my hand back and placed it back on my lap.

The guy turns back towards me, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Shakti."

He then turned away, but I heard the faintest whsiper from him as he walked back to his buddies, "That was so cool. Dad won't believe me this time."

It was then that I realized disappointedly that I didn't get his name. He seemed like a nice fellow on the inside.

My eyes return to Mira and Agni who to my surprise were staring right at me. I should've known they had seen the whole conversation and my little 'show'.

Mira leaned towards me, "It's good to know that you're getting out of your shell."

Her sarcastic comment caught me off guard and I wondered if she knew about how Mohana and I talked last night. Then I brushed away the idea knowing that Mira would have been fast asleep at the time. Agni would have been in his apartment as well.

Agni became serious all too suddenly, "I understand that the conversation around us is focused on you. My hearing doesn't have to be superpowered to tell. Up until when that guy came over here I thought you were going to get up and walk out. Don't let the others' conversations around you affect you. Being the Striker is who you are. Don't be annoyed if they talk about you. Be proud."

I wasn't exactly annoyed by the conversations everyone was conjuring up, but Agni had a point. I needed to let it all fade into the background and be greatful for who I was.

I'd battled a giant crazed bear and fought many Avinish soldiers. Nonsense spread around a teen hangout was the least of the problems I'd had in those past weeks.

Somehow this only made me long to be free in the jungle where it was peaceful. Then my main priority slammed down on me. I still had a role to fulfull. The Avinish were still out there, becoming stronger by the the hour.

I suddenly no longer cared what people around me thought. My destiny still called out for me, and it was the one thing I obeyed primarily.

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